Monday, March 9, 2020

Free Essays on On The Road With Charles Kuraltlt

ON THE ROAD WITH CHARLES KURALT BY: CHARLES KURALT In the beginning, I thought to myself†¦Ã¢â‚¬ this will be a very dull and boring book†. But to my surprise, it turned out to be one of the best books I’ve read in a while. How lucky Mr. Kuralt was to have seen that many walks of life! This book gave brief biographies on how ordinary Americans live their lives and how they impact others around them. These mini-biographies caught average Americans in the act of being themselves. This was not an acted out or staged by any means, these were sheer, humble acts of what being a great American and a good citizen is all about. Throughout his voyage, I found Mr. Kuralt to be: unbiased, desegregated, witty and charming. He would blend right in with each person as if he had known him or her for ages. For example, when he interviewed Betsy Miller of Winterville, NC, an elderly lady who opened her home to the hungry each day like clockwork. Everyday at the crack of dawn, she would get up to make biscuits. She expected nothing in return. From helping the homeless people, she simply got gratification out of having daily company and loved to help out her fellow. Another person, who impressed me as being a genuine gentleman, was Jethro Mann of Belmont, North Carolina. He spent most of his days making sure that each kid in his town had a bike to ride. He would spend his last dime on materials to fix up old abandoned bikes for kids to enjoy. Mr. Mann thought it was every child’s dream to have bicycle to ride when they wanted to. Along with being a sweet guy, he taught children respect by allowing them to ride his bikes on a rental basis but†¦ if the bike was misused or abused in any way, he would place stipulations on using it again. The child would be placed on a probationary period and was not allowed to ride for a while. It taught children the responsibility of using other people’s things and how to treat the bikes ... Free Essays on On The Road With Charles Kuraltlt Free Essays on On The Road With Charles Kuraltlt ON THE ROAD WITH CHARLES KURALT BY: CHARLES KURALT In the beginning, I thought to myself†¦Ã¢â‚¬ this will be a very dull and boring book†. But to my surprise, it turned out to be one of the best books I’ve read in a while. How lucky Mr. Kuralt was to have seen that many walks of life! This book gave brief biographies on how ordinary Americans live their lives and how they impact others around them. These mini-biographies caught average Americans in the act of being themselves. This was not an acted out or staged by any means, these were sheer, humble acts of what being a great American and a good citizen is all about. Throughout his voyage, I found Mr. Kuralt to be: unbiased, desegregated, witty and charming. He would blend right in with each person as if he had known him or her for ages. For example, when he interviewed Betsy Miller of Winterville, NC, an elderly lady who opened her home to the hungry each day like clockwork. Everyday at the crack of dawn, she would get up to make biscuits. She expected nothing in return. From helping the homeless people, she simply got gratification out of having daily company and loved to help out her fellow. Another person, who impressed me as being a genuine gentleman, was Jethro Mann of Belmont, North Carolina. He spent most of his days making sure that each kid in his town had a bike to ride. He would spend his last dime on materials to fix up old abandoned bikes for kids to enjoy. Mr. Mann thought it was every child’s dream to have bicycle to ride when they wanted to. Along with being a sweet guy, he taught children respect by allowing them to ride his bikes on a rental basis but†¦ if the bike was misused or abused in any way, he would place stipulations on using it again. The child would be placed on a probationary period and was not allowed to ride for a while. It taught children the responsibility of using other people’s things and how to treat the bikes ...