Saturday, August 31, 2019

Competency Goal Functional Areas Essay

To establish and maintain a safe, healthy learning environment. I keep children healthy by monitoring their health daily. I ask if they have any boo boos and if so how they got them and I put them on a daily health list, I also do this by carefully observing children, watching for signs of illness, making sure immunizations are up to date. I also keep children healthy by keeping the room clean. Children are informed and able to make good decisions on how to stay healthy like washing hands after going to the bathroom, blowing their nose or coughing into their hands, when we come in from outside and before after lunch. I also keep children safe by creating and environment where children gain the knowledge that allows then to make appropriate choices. I make sure activities are safe and developmentally appropriate. The children are encouraging to make good choices by having discussions, giving lessons, and reading books that talk about safety issues I try to create a fun and safe environment where children can learn and grow. I provide and age appropriate environment for the children. I do this by preparing a weekly lesson plan, providing activities for children of all developmental levels. I have activities that are for inside the classrooms which are for gross motor skills such as bean bags, musical instruments, dance music, and all sizes of blocks. I also have fine motor activities, such as large and small beads to string, Lego’s, locking flowers, stencils, scissors, crayon and markers. I also allow time for the children to practice writing skills like their names and letters also to draw beautiful pictures. Competency Goal 1 Functional Area 1: Safe In order to help provide an environment which is safe for the children in my care, I do the following to prevent and reduce injuries: I keep all cleaning supplies and chemicals locked up and out of the children’s reach, to avoid poisoning or other injuries. I am also certified in First Aid and CPR which give me the knowledge to handle any injuries or accidents. I am familiar with the classroom and center emergency evacuation procedures in case of a fire or other emergency. I maintain an easily accessible and current list of emergency numbers and also all the parent numbers. I inspect all toys and equipment, frequently throughout the day to ensure that they are safe for use. I teach safe use of playground equipment.Functional Area 2: Healthy In order to provide and environment that promotes health, and prevents illness and which teaches children about good nutrition and practices that promotes wellness, I do the following: I keep the toys and the rooms clean. I wash my hands and wear gloves before and after handling food. I wear gloves if and when children need help when going to the bathroom, cleaning their noses; in order not spread germs. I also teach the children how to wash their hands after using the bathroom, wiping their nose, coming in from outside, while letting them know how important, it is to washing their hands. I also follow centers’ policies for sick children to prevent other illnesses from spreading throughout the center. I also read books about health care and talk about going to the Doctor and Dentist. I also share the importance of healthy foods like fruits and vegetables.

Friday, August 30, 2019

The Effects of Social Media on Traditional Marketing

The Effects of Social Media on Traditional Marketing and Advertising Social media is not new. Facebook has been around since 2004, YouTube since 2005, and Twitter in 2006. What is new is how social media sites like Facebook, YouTube and Twitter are affecting the way businesses market their products and services. Never before in our history have consumers been able to communicate so effortlessly with each other and with the businesses they frequent.Never before have businesses been able to interact and react to customer feedback so quickly and efficiently. However, just because businesses have the ability to use social media for their marketing and advertising efforts, does not necessarily mean they should. This paper intends to answer the question of how social media has affected the way businesses market their products and services. This question is significant not only to the business, as it directly affects not only their profit, but also their brand, their image, and their reputa tion.It is also significant to consumers, because as a consumer you will be able to see how you have the power to shape a company’s products and services, as well as shape a company’s image and reputation. No longer can a company run an advertisement on television or radio promoting how ecologically friendly they are and assume people are just going to believe them. 10 years ago that might have worked.Now, consumers can research to see if that company is in fact ecologically friendly and if they are not, consumers can start a Facebook group, a Twitter profile, a YouTube channel, and endless other social media profiles in order to spread the word about the company’s false or misleading advertising. The reverse is also true. If a company creates an amazing quality product which solves a consumer’s need at a fair price, that company may have to do very little traditional advertising as consumers would spread the word about the products through their vast soc ial networks.Social media has forever changed the relationship between business and the consumer and this relationship affects the way businesses market their products and services. In order to see how social media is defining the way businesses have traditionally marketed their products, it is helpful to look at case studies of multiple businesses and social media marketing experts. This paper will center on multiple different businesses and how they are using social media effectively to market their products and services to consumers.According to â€Å"Corporate reputation in the era of Web 2. : the case of Primark† published in the November 1, 2009 issue of the Journal of Marketing Management, Brian Jones, John Temperley, and Anderson Lima draw from the work of multiple authors from multiple publications. Using the multitude of resources the authors draw from, they answer how companies, specifically Primark, position themselves on the internet in order to build relationshi ps, control their image, and build their brand and reputation to indicate that the new era of company reputation is built not only by the company, but rather by both the company and the consumer.According to the authors, â€Å"the new rules for engagement on the social web are explored in relation to how they contribute to, damage, or improve corporate reputation and brand image. † (Jones 927-928) What these new rules mean is that, â€Å"management of corporate reputation is a two-way, top down and bottom up process. † (Jones 928) This means that not only are companies trying to portray a certain image through social media, but that also consumers are projecting their own images on to these companies through social media as well.This information is useful because it shows how social media allows consumers to shape a company as well as how companies can use social media to shape public opinion. According to â€Å"Marketing in a Hyper-Social World† published in th e September 2010 issue of the Journal of Advertising Research, Francois Gossieaux, and Edward Moran draw from the work of multiple authors from multiple publications. Using the multitude of resources the authors draw from, they study the results of a survey of several hundred companies using online marketing in order to determine the best practices for those advertising strategies.The authors ascertain that social media marketing is only as effective as the prevailing psychological factors in which social media works. These factors are inherent in human communication, not only on the internet, but in the real world as well. The authors state that there are communities of people using social media and that â€Å"these communities often thrive because the members primarily are drawn to one another.The importance of person-to-person affinity – and the ability to interact with these other humans – typically trumped the role of the sponsor’s goods or services or the presence of other features in the online communities. † (Moran 232) What the authors are saying is that social media is a new tool in order to bring similar consumers together and that if a company wants to be successful in social media marketing, they must concentrate on the human connection rather than their product or services.According to â€Å"Social marketing meets interactive media† published in the 2011 issue of the International Journal of Advertising, Ronald Hill and Nora Moran draw from the work of multiple authors from multiple publications. Using the multitude of resources the authors draw from, they seek to resolve the dilemma of how models of social marketing have not been easy to implement or analyze effectively. They assert that companies must face opportunities and challenges in implementing social media or otherwise lose their target customers of new and younger generations.The authors propose that a great deal more study and research need to go into how to successfully implement social media, however their research states that, â€Å"overall, studies examined indicate that greater levels of interactivity, feedback and encouragement, customisation, and clarity and support are fundamental components of successful programmes. † (Hill 829) What the authors suggest is that social media allows consumers to interact with each other and with the companies they buy from, and these basic human form of interaction is what makes social media so successful.According to â€Å"Social Media ROI† published in the December 2010/January 2011 issue of Marketing Management, Robert Duboff and Scott Wilkerson draw from the work of multiple authors from multiple publications. Using the multitude of resources the authors draw from, they focus on finding a solution which will help them measure a return on investment for implementing social media and whether or not to invest in social marketing. The authors put forth and interesting questi on as to who actually is in control of a brand with the advent of social media.The peer-to-peer aspect of the Internet, which has been made much more efficient through social media, has prompted the debate about who owns a brand. Some commentators and marketers maintain that consumers, users and the public now own every brand, given their ability to use social media to: laud or criticize the brand and immediately communicate their experience or opinion to everyone they know; send links to websites, video or to articles and information, etc. ; and create and post content. Duboff 34)The idea the authors are putting forward is that consumer are able to control a brand and the perception of that brand because of the immense power of social media. According to â€Å"Marketing on a Shoe String† published in the Winter 2012 issue of Marketing Health Services, Ann Marie Gothard and Kate Sotiridy draw from the work of multiple authors from multiple publications. Using the multitude of resources the authors draw from, they discuss the marketing strategy of Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City.They discuss how Mount Sinai determined that traditional media would not work for targeting their market and instead opted for using a grassroots approach which included the implementation of social media. The authors show evidence of how using social media effectively was able to increase the percentage of clientele who were exposed to Mount Sinai Medical Center. While using a specific social media campaign, there was, â€Å"an 83 percent increase in Web traffic, coupled with a 42 percent increase in call volume [which is] substantial at any cost. And for a very low cost, it is remarkable. (Gothard 15)The authors here are able to use a case study to show how social media marketing can be used as an effective tool and for a minimal cost. According to â€Å"Evolution of Blogs as a Credible Marketing Communication Tool† published in the June 2011 issue of Journa l of Case Research, Mohit Maurya draws from the work of multiple authors from multiple publications. Using the multitude of resources the author draws from, the author discusses how a two way communication between consumers and corporate brands are being shaped through the use of blogs.The author presents case studies from different companies who have successfully and unsuccessfully used blogs to communicate with consumers. The pace of evolution and adoption of internet has facilitated the development of Consumer Generated Media – CGM or user generated content on the cyber world, which has compelled the marketers to rethink their marketing communication guidelines†¦Consumer Generated Media has begun to prove itself as an outstanding tool for not only social networking, but also as an effective interactive communication medium in the realm of business. Maurya 71)The author proposes that as consumers, we are able to control the messages we receive and that companies need t o recognize these channels of communication if they are to be successful in their marketing efforts. According to â€Å"Social media etiquette: A guide and checklist to the benefits and perils of social marketing† published in the September – December 2010 issue of the Journal of Database Marketing and Customer Strategy Management, Matt Ramsay draws from the work of multiple authors from multiple publications.Using the multitude of resources the author draws from, the author summarizes lessons learned from the successes and failures of social networking as well as compiles a list of best practices for social networking. According to Ramsay, â€Å"businesses that succeed in social media are those who maximize their customer service levels through listening and responding to what people are saying about their brand. † (257) Ramsay is again solidifying the fact that social media is a two way process in which the consumer and business have an equal stake in forming how marketing will take place and whether or not it will be effective.According to â€Å"Social media in branding: Fulfilling a Need† published in the August 2011 issue of the Journal of Brand Management, Jack Yan draws from the work of multiple authors from multiple publications. Using the multitude of resources the author draws from, the author looks at how new media can have an impact on branding. Yan shows how user connection and interactivity are important. â€Å"It is, therefore, necessary for brands to build a connection with users and fostering a sense of belonging through the engagement itself. (Yan 690) According to â€Å"2011 Social Media Marketing Industry Report.How Marketers are Using Social Media to Grow Their Businesses† published in April 2011 for the website SocialMediaExaminer. com, Michael A. Stelzner draws from the work of multiple authors from multiple publications. Using the multitude of resources the author draws from, the author surveyed over 3300 marketers with the goal of understanding how marketers are using social media to grow and promote their businesses. Stelzner, in compiling his survey, was able to determine the benefits of social media marketing. The number-one advantage of social media marketing (by a long shot) is generating more business exposure, as indicated by 88% of marketers. † (Stelzner 5) The more exposure a business has, the easier it is for consumers to talk about it and spread the word to their peers. According to â€Å"Social Integration† published in the November/December 2011 issue of the Journal of Property Management, Karen Altes draws from the work of multiple authors from multiple publications. Using the multitude of resources the author draws from, the author focuses on the integration of social media into business.The author ascertains that social media is a tactic rather than a strategy, which should be used in all aspects of marketing, public relations, and communications. à ¢â‚¬Å"However, social media is different from other communication tools you may already be using. It is participatory, and is as much about what your customers, tenants and clients are saying about you and your properties as what you are saying to them. † (Altes 60) The author is again reinforcing that social media is effecting advertising in that marketers are not only able to speak directly to consumers, but that consumers are also able to speak to companies and marketers.Social media has significantly affected the way businesses and consumers interact with each other. It has been shown how important having a two way conversation is in order to implement and manage a company’s brand and reputation. This is significant because it is important to know just how much power we have as consumers. Until the recent advent of the internet and social media, traditional advertising and marketing was a one way conversation. A company advertised their product or service and the co nsumer was just forced to believe them.Now, consumers are able to provide their own voice and have a say in what they believe. This is essential for companies to understand because now they have to not only provide products and services, they need to communicate those products and services with consumers without being false or misleading, otherwise these companies will not be in business very long. Works Cited Moran, Edward, and Francois Gossieaux. â€Å"Marketing In A Hyper-Social World. † Journal Of Advertising Research 50. (2010): 232-239. Business Source Premier. Web. 6 May 2012. Hill, Ronald P. , and Nora Moran. â€Å"Social Marketing Meets Interactive Media. † International Journal Of Advertising 30. 5 (2011): 815-838. Business Source Premier. Web. 6 May 2012. Duboff, Robert, and Scott Wilkerson.â€Å"Social Media Roi. † Marketing Management 19. 4 (2010): 32-37. Business Source Premier. Web. 6 May 2012. Jones, Brian, John Temperley, and Anderson Lima. â₠¬Å"Corporate Reputation In The Era Of Web 2. 0: The Case Of Primark. † Journal Of Marketing Management 25. /10 (2009): 927-939. Business Source Premier. Web. 6 May 2012. â€Å"Marketing On A Shoe String. † Marketing Health Services 32. 1 (2012): 12-15. Business Source Premier. Web. 6 May 2012. Maurya, Mohit. â€Å"Evolution Of Blogs As A Credible Marketing Communication Tool. † Journal Of Case Research 2. 1 (2011): 71-90. Business Source Premier. Web. 6 May 2012. Ramsay, Matt.â€Å"Social Media Etiquette: A Guide And Checklist To The Benefits And Perils Of Social Marketing. † Journal Of Database Marketing & Customer Strategy Management 17. /4 (2010): 257-261. Computer Source. Web. 6 May 2012. Yan, Jack. â€Å"Social Media In Branding: Fulfilling A Need. † Journal Of Brand Management 18. 9 (2011): 688-696. Business Source Premier. Web. 6 May 2012. Stelzner, Michael A. â€Å"2011 Social Media Marketing Industry Report. How Marketers are Using Social Media to Grow Their Businesses. † SocialMediaExaminer. com. April 2011, Web. 16 March 2012 Altes, Karen. â€Å"Social Integration. † Journal Of Property Management 76. 6 (2011): 60. Business Source Premier. Web. 6 May 2012.

PC Case Essay

According to Carter, â€Å"a Pc case is the basis of the computer system within which all the other parts reside. The choice of a case size determines what other components of a machine may fit inside of it. It is the visible portion of a machine system†. Some modern computer cases come with a power supply pre-installed inside them, but most of them do not. It is therefore necessary for one to get a power supply which will work with the rest of the components and which has sufficient power. There are different types of cases which include small towers, tall towers, horizontal desktops, slim desktops, and also the â€Å"lunch box† size and shape made popular by the Shuttle and Mini-ITX case builders. (Carter, 2002:14) Computers Pc cases are available in many form factors or rather different magnitudes. The size and form of a case in a computer is generally dogged by the motherboard’s form factor that is intended to accommodate, since this is the most central and largest component of many computers. As a result, form factors in individual’s computer typically spell out only the inner proportions and case layout. Form factors for blade servers and rack-mounted incorporate defined peripheral dimensions as well bearing in mind that these computer Pc cases must themselves fit in particular inclusions. The conservative viewpoint says that a case carries out several functions. First, it holds on to a range of form factors so as to house the different components that make up a PC. (Ashton B, 2002:33) These factors are PSU, the motherboard, PCI cards, drives and fans. It also provides noise shielding. It allows air to flow through the case in order to cool the components within it. It gives a Pc its attractive appearance. The silent viewpoint is mostly in emphasis. Form factor adherence is implicit for all cases. However, EMI looks and shielding are derivative to the main properties of airflow vents that are exceedingly unobstructed, tortuous paths which facilitate noise escape to the case, airflow paths that are well-directed within the case and low sound transmission, sturdy construction and low resonance. To help personalize Pc cases on the computer market today, majority of the computer Pc case manufacturers present with various accessories. These accessories take account of items which include a case cover that has a window that has been built-in to specialized fans and lights. Bearing in mind that the time for the standard beige box are no longer in use, users now have several factors to consider when picking out their case which include color, design and lights and windows as well. (Cheek, J, 1995:19) Design The material of the Pc and the eminence of the workmanship normally make a big difference in a Pc case. At their base most cases are made with aluminum while others are made with steel. Other materials which incorporate plastics and acrylics as well are also used to complement the design and appearance of the Pc case. These materials not only impact on the ways that heat is held in or circulated out of the system but also impact on heaviness or portability of the Pc case. It is however of great significance that individual checks how the Pc case is put together. Finished edges or rather beveled normally minimize the possibilities of cuts while working inside the Pc case. To prevent doors breakage, hinges should be sturdy enough. Power Supplies In modern days, majority of the computer cases are put on the market independently from the power supply. Nevertheless, a number of these computer cases do come with a power supply already included. In cases where computers comes with power supply already inaugurated in the case, it is importance that users authenticate that the power supply wattage meets the requirements of the mechanism that will be fixed inside. In addition, it is importance for users of the computer to check and ensure that it has the correct connectors and enough cables essential for all of the inner components. Layout The adornment of the computer Pc case and its design can unswervingly impact on its usage. The position of the fans and ports on the computer normally improves access or rather increases the style of the Pc case. For instance, when a case has been placed on the floor, it would be considered better for the extra USB, audio and Fire Wire ports to be positioned on the top of the case than when positioned on the front. On the other hand, it would be better for the ports to be on the front should the case be on the top of a desk or inside a cabinet. Drives in the rear a door panel can lessen noise and this gives the Pc case a look that is more uniform. However, although the drive behind the door panel reduces the noise and gives the computer Pc case a more uniform look, it makes it impossible to access the drives behind the door panel. Conclusion Excess heat has a negative impact on the performance of the internal components in the desktop. Due to this heat effect, cooling is considered a very important factor to bring into attention. An assortment of vents ducts and fans that are built into a Pc case either aids or deters the flow of the heat from the internal to the peripheral parts of the case. A computer Pc case with a large quantity of the flow of air can also lead to a large amount of dust buildup inside of the case. However, the amount of dust in the computer Pc case can be reduced by acquisition of Filters and screens that are designed to help minimize dust in the Pc case. (Hill, P. , 1995:29) In order for one to have silent computing, unrestricted airflow vents should be used. A major approach is the use of quiet fans which work at reduced speed to eliminate the noise produced by fans. Since the volume and the pressure of airflow is significantly lower than that of a standard PC, any hitch at the vents creates a quite a large negative effect in temperatures. Well-directed Airflow Path in the Case is best accomplished by reducing the number of superfluous holes in the Pc case. Randomly placed holes on the sides of cheap cases, for example, tend to disrupt the ideal flow of air, which is generally seen as from front bottom to the back top. (Moir A,1991: 23)

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Comparative Perspectives in Social Work Practice and Law Essay

Comparative Perspectives in Social Work Practice and Law - Essay Example According to Morgan (2011), globalization forces social workers to think globally as the service users become more diverse and as social work continue to be guided by international laws. Individualization of problems is also a global trend impacting on social work as communities shift the burden on individuals. Social care and social work is also influenced by political and structural forces that range freely across national borders as well as international social trends. UK and Germany are two different countries with different welfare provision regimes but as time passesby and due to globalization effect, there seems to be a convergence in social work practice between the two countries with Germany emulating most of the features of the UK welfare state (Clasen, 2011). The two states have different political economies and have different historical experiences which shape the welfare state. The UK welfare system is based on beveridgean ideologies while that of Germany was influenced by Bismarckian ideologies. The paper will critically discuss the impact of globalization on social work practice bases on comparative perspectives between UK and Germany which are two European countries. The UK has an institutional model of welfare characterised by social protection, service provision on basis of rights as well as guaranteed minimum standards and minimum income (Alcock, 2008). The welfare state began with provision of services to the poor in the society based on the Elizabethan poor law of 1601. This law set a compulsory poor rate, created overseers of relief and was aimed at punishing beggars. Those provided with relief resided in workhouses and individuals could only get relief from their parish of birth. This led to stigmatization of those who relied on relief for as Spicker (2012) puts it, they were marked with town’s mark. The poor law was criticized for encouraging laziness and undermining wages of independent workers. Elementary education was

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The pro and con sides to using MULTIPLE CHOICE TESTS at the college Essay

The pro and con sides to using MULTIPLE CHOICE TESTS at the college level - Essay Example Scoring hundreds of long essays is impossible when time is short, and thus, examiners find it practically easy to mark multiple choice tests. The number of test-takers is also important. Multiple choice tests are famous for their practicality and reliability in this manner. They can be scored very easily through a computer scanner. This has also reduced the testing time. So, time is saved at every step while using multiple choice tests. Tamir suggests in his research that multiple choice tests are especially beneficial for those students who are not good at writing. Writing is a skill which every student does not possess; and, often times it so happens that those students pass with flying marks who are skilled at explaining the theoretical portion. Multiple choice questions benefit those who are skilled more at understanding concepts, whether or not they can write well. Now, let’s discuss the cons. Ajideh and Esfandiari compared the usage of multiple choice tests and cloze-tests while examining vocabulary proficiency of the students. The sample contained 21 Iranian EFL students. They found out that the students who performed on cloze-tests could have shown the similar results when they were examined through multiple choice tests. So, according to the researchers, multiple choice tests could be substituted for multiple choice tests. This explains that students’ proficiency does not increase when the method of examination is multiple choice tests. Woodford and Bancroft assert that when a student is examined through multiple choice questions, he has 25% possibility of guessing the right answer, even if he does not know the answer at all. He can guess by eliminating the possibly wrong answers, thus reaching the possibly correct answer. Thus, even if he does not possess sufficient knowledge, his right guessing may lead him to success. This is the discrepancy of multiple choice tests, which can be

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Why does the UK financial services regulator take such a dim view of Essay

Why does the UK financial services regulator take such a dim view of both market abuse and insider dealing - Essay Example 179). Since the past decade, financial markets have experienced essential reforms. This is because globalization has had dramatic and far-reaching effects on United Kingdom. Market abuse and insider dealings are criminal cases for which one is to be fined or publicly censured (Avgouleas, 2005, p. 179). Market abuse is more loosely delineated than insider dealings. Most of the offenses in the financial markets are dealt with under the market abuse regime. The financial service regulator can enforce a criminal prosecution on a market abuse case if it deems fit and if there is sufficient evidence. Market abuse, according to Alexander (2001, p. 12), refers to improper behavior that destabilizes the United Kingdom markets and harms the interests of the ordinary market users and participants. For this reason, the financial services regulation Act has created sanctions and penalties which are adjacent to the criminals’ offenses Act (Compliance Reporter, 2011, p. 2-3). The primary asp ect of market abuse is behavior in relation to shares and other financial instruments transacted publicly in United Kingdom. For behavior to be termed as an insider dealing, it should typify one of the seven types of insider dealings and market abuses as described by the financial service regulator. However, it should be noted that insider dealing and market abuse acts amount to criminal offenses subject to penal sanctions. The misleading statements and courses of conduct with the aim of inducing another person to implement or desist from carrying out rights in relation to investments amount to criminal offenses (The Compliance Reporter, 2011, p. 4). The market abuse regime will nab anyone: not only the individuals working in the financial markets or who manage the quoted companies on the board but also anyone who will attempt to abuse the securities markets in delineated ways. An individual is liable even when the actions were unintentional and or indirect (encouraging such behavio rs). According to Alexander (2001, p. 4), market abuse and insider information regime covers financial instruments such as the shares, futures, warrants, options and debt insurance, and contracts for differences, transacted on every regulated market in United Kingdom. In addition, the regime covers all the operations associated with the financial instruments even when carried out off-market. In other instances, conduct according to other related financial instruments or essential goods may be nabbed, even when the instruments are not transacted on a normal regulated market. In addition, an individual’s conduct involving securities transacted on an overseas unfettered market may be nabbed if an option related to them is merchandized in United Kingdom. The market abuse regime purposes to safeguard markets from harm to their efficiency and to guarantee effectiveness, order and fairness. The financial service regulator has the responsibility of issuing codes of conduct in the mar ket, which give appropriate direction to individuals determining whether behavior constitutes abuse or not. An insider, in reference to Alexander (2001, p. 10), refers to an individual who has inside information about an investment as a result of his or her membership in the administrative or supervisory body of an issuer of qualifying venture or management. An individual may also be an insider due to holding capital of an issuer of a stipulated venture or due to having right to use the data by the fact of employment, professionalism, or responsibilities. In addition, an

Monday, August 26, 2019

Political Corruption in Bulgaria after 1989 Essay

Political Corruption in Bulgaria after 1989 - Essay Example Though showing some improvement in the recent years, Bulgaria holds the shame of being labeled as the corruption capital of Europe. It is the corruption at the political level that is most dangerous in the country. All political parties operate with an open funding system. Such a condition, with no obvious management, surely encourages corruption. However, some facts and figures will show the 'politics' behind Bulgaria's corruption. In an attempt to modernize the nation's economy, the communist government enforced different industrialization programs. Until democratizing reforms began in 1989, Bulgaria remained a communist country. The Bulgarian nationalism underwent a drastic change since its first multi party elections in 1990 (U.S.-Bulgarian Relations, 2008). But the transition from the communist rule to a free market economy was not easy. The introduction of Banking reforms, and program to privatize state-owned assets turned out to be challenging issues. Due to the fall of communism, the country lost all its Soviet market. The Bulgarian goods could not find a good market. It led to a substantial contraction of the financial system. The rising inflation and unemployment became major problems. To add oil to the fire, the Bulgarian government had to battle with the uncontrolled corruption at all levels of administration. In the last two decades, Bulgaria underwent complet... In the last two decades, Bulgaria underwent complete political transformation. It is imperative to say that the political transformation has contributed much to the restructuring of the nation's entire mechanisms. On the other hand, how effective those reorganizations, is a question of active debate. However, it could enjoy steady economic growth and macroeconomic stability, problems are too many. It struggles hard to come up as a democratic power. Unfortunately corruption has become a key word in any study of Bulgaria. The National Assembly, which is supposed to monitor all anti corruption mechanisms, proved to be ineffective. Corruption is among the five most important problems Bulgaria is facing today. Five most critical problems Bulgaria is facing Unemployment 58,40 % Low incomes 51,30 % Crime 45,40 % Corruption 38,50 % Poverty 31,60 % High prices 22,90 % Political instability 17,70 % Healthcare 11,50 % Pollution 3,60 % Education 2,70 % Ethnic problems 2,10 % The sum of percentages exceeds 100, as respondents have given up to three answers (Source: Five most critical problems Bulgaria is facing, This social evil happened to spread widely in various fields of Bulgarian public life. Corruption has developed as a key principle in many fields like administration and judiciary. Political party finance, public administration and judiciary are the most affected areas. The Bulgarian community has begun to understand the magnitude of corruption of ministers and senior officials. Due to corrupt bureaucracy, any official procedure has become a 'hard nut' for the common man. He has to pay a huge amount to the police, health

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Managing capability Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1

Managing capability - Essay Example The organizational capabilities are the typical analysis and assessment of the skills, potentials and the effort exhibited by the employees in the firm. The capabilities have the complete evaluation of the employees and the resources for the assurance of profitability and productivity. The organizational capabilities depend on the achievement of the organizational goals effectively and efficiently. The organizations play a vital role in routing these capabilities and they are the result of the interlinked routings. The analysis of the task is at ease in comparison with the creation of capability. The analysis starts with the questions related to the functioning, activities performed and the current performance. â€Å"The field of strategic management deals with understanding the ways how firms achieve competitive advantage and how they create superior value.† (Arndt, 2008). In this study the main aim is to identify the capability and how it is related to the competitive advant age, different tools and the frame work. The organization that is analyzed is Toyota, where the task is to identify the different capability and the contribution to the competitive advantage, and analyzing the different functional areas of them. â€Å"Toyota believe the potential for growth in our industry is extremely promising.† (Psabilla, 2007). The competitive advantage of the firm is the dependency of the firm on the revenue and the profitability of the firm. A firm is said to own competitive advantage when profit of the firm is greater than the average revenue. The aim of any business unit is to have a sustained competitive advantage. This is shown in fig-1 According to Michael porter, competitive advantages are of two types; they are the cost advantages and the differentiation advantages. The cost advantages are those when the firm is capable of marketing and selling the products with the same

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Googles Chaos Management Style Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Googles Chaos Management Style - Assignment Example This research will begin with the statement that chaos management is not a new terminology in the stream of organizational change management. Right from its first reference in Tom Peter's classical piece of chaos management to the literature till date, most of the organizers and managers have conventionally considered chaos management as essential to performance improvement and cost reduction. Detailed literature analysis on chaos and organizational change management has elucidated three major attributes; namely, chaos is a metapraxis, a complex process that is neither a process or a model but inherent in organizational reality; secondly, the theory of self-interest or self-perpetuation is in tandem with the principles of chaos, especially an ethic of connectivity and thirdly, the specific principles of chaos in the form of ‘connectivity, consciousness, and interdeterminacy’provide practical approaches to â€Å"network multilogue†, a socially interactive corporate environment with amenities of personal growth. An interesting observation in most of the literature on organizational management has been that the factor of chaos is unavoidable and always there to stay in business, especially in this racy times of extreme internet invasion affecting our lives. The organizational culture at Google is simplified, yet interesting. With a smart and determined task force, Google Company encompasses people from all walks of life, who speak a dozen of languages and reflect the global audience that they always serve. The idea is to maintain an open culture wherein everyone can feel comfortable sharing ideas and opinions.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Corp.Gov Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Corp.Gov - Essay Example Corporate governance refers to the structure which ensures that the right questions are asked and checks and balances are in place to make sure that the answers to these questions reflect what is in the best interest of the organization for long-term sustainability of value (Minow & Monks, 2008). According to Davis (2006) corporate governance can be viewed as a system for optimizing the contributions of a number of stakeholders to a purpose they are persuaded to share. These stakeholders involve shareholders; the board of directors, customers, employees, suppliers, community and the government. Effective corporate governance has a profound effect on how well a business performs. Organizations which have found effective means of governing their businesses are prosperous and remain prosperous. The board’s inability to establish a sound governance model gives rise to the probability of failure of the enterprise (Colley et. al, 2004). The purpose of corporate governance is to ensure the survival and success of the organization (Davis, 2006). Good corporate governance requires a complex system of strict checks and balances. The three key actors in corporate governance are the management, directors and the shareholders. (Minow & Monks, 2008) Appropriate implementation of the business concept with goals and directions set by the board, resource planning and effective execution of plans carried out by CEO and the alignment of board and management objectives with those of shareholders. The board undertakes a huge fiduciary responsibility when it assumes the obligation to represent interests of owners, who do not represent themselves. In the course of this representation they are required to demonstrate integrity as well as the competence to make sound decisions (Colley et. al, 2004). Although the essence of corporate governance has been

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Print Advertisement Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Print Advertisement - Assignment Example People who observe the advertisement should recognize a strong feeling of nostalgia of ‘simpler times’ and the ‘simple joy’ of barbequing through direct comparison. One example of this would be a the image of a family standing around a BBQ with a father at the grill looking sternly out towards the reader utilizing a bold text indicating that home cooked is better than an expensive gourmet food (In this instance it would be advisable to choose a food which is notably elitist such as Foie Gras, or caviar). Target audience: As it is the case that many family budgets are set by women and the advertisements will be hosted in Woman’s Day, Good Housekeeping, Family Circle, and Redbook (Predominantly female directed publications) the target audience would be women, with families that are relatively budget conscious. Typically homeowners, or renters with access to a yard. The most important message: You don’t have to spend a lot of money to have a good time with your family and friends. As any person who attends bbq’s can tell you, it is the case that events hosted in the home can be as much (If not more) fun than an evening out at an expensive restaurant. From this perspective, the message can be achieved through humor.

Prayer In Public Schools Essay Example for Free

Prayer In Public Schools Essay The pros and cons of prayer in public schools have been debated for over forty years. The foundation of the United States is based on religious tolerance. The pilgrims came to this country because they were not free to worship and serve God leading to the guarantee of religious freedom in the Constitution. In years past, it was not acceptable in this country to proclaim disbelief in God.   Prayer in schools was an integral part of religious life. During the 1940’s and 1950’s, conservatives and liberals believed religion focusing on a personal relationship with Christ should be taught in schools (Zimmerman, pg. 1). It was not until the 1960’s that individuals began to have issues with this status quote. With more and more citizens coming forward to fight for their individual religious rights, it was decided by the Supreme Court that since everyone does not believe in God (or does not believe in the same God) open prayer should be removed from public schools. This does not mean that all prayer was removed from public schools. The 1962 ruling of the Supreme Court found organized school prayer unconstitutional (Manegold, pg. 1), which means that students can still pray privately. Yet, some people still found this unacceptable. No matter what side of the issue someone sits on, the fight surrounding prayer in public schools is deep and long-running. â€Å"Separation of church and state is a fundamental premise of our Constitution and our country,† (, pg. 1). Prayer represents church and the Supreme Court and public schools represent state. The Constitution infers that the two should never meet. Those who oppose prayer in schools, first argue that prayer in public schools bring church and state together. The 1962 decision brought a surprising number of religious supporters. Martin Luther King Jr. was one such supporter. â€Å"It’s prayer decision was sound and good,† King declared, â€Å"reaffirming something that is basic in our Constitution, namely separation of church and state† (Zimmerman, pg. 1). Pastors and proclaimed Christians supported the Supreme Court because they did not want the state or government mixing in church affairs. Another argument focuses on personal rights guaranteed by the Constitution. As citizens of the United States, every person is guaranteed certain rights and public prayer impinges on those rights. Personal religious beliefs should not be forced onto someone else. Everyone has a right to pray and believe in what they want, whenever they want. The 1st â€Å"amendment sets out the principles regarding religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition.   Basically, it protects our rights to worship as we want, say what we want, publish what we want, gather in groups, and make our concerns known to the government.   It also prohibits the government from identifying with a particular religion; effectively separating church and state† (, pg. 1). When students are allowed to prayer publicly, the issue of others imposing their personal beliefs on others will occur. Prayer in school inhibits personal and guaranteed rights.   Supporters of prayer in public schools believe the Supreme Court has overstepped its authority. â€Å"The supreme Court†¦serves to clarify, refine and test the ideals written into the Constitution (, pg. 1). It is their job to interpret the Constitution when lawsuits are filed concerning Constitutional laws. As a result of restricted prayer in public school, supporters of prayer continue to flood Congress with proposals to â€Å"keep the issue alive†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Zimmerman, pg. 1), fighting to bring organized prayer back into public schools.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Supporters argue that the amount of violence in today’s schools is directly linked to the ban of prayer in schools. It is not just a matter of students fist fighting but violence often involve knifes and guns, resulting in deaths. â€Å"Juvenile delinquency is on the rise. America is in an advanced state of moral decline,† (Zimmerman, pg. 2). Those in favor of prayer in schools are convinced that if God is brought back into the classroom, the violence will stop. The Bible teaches against violence and teaches love and tolerance. Collective and organized prayer will bring students together and stop violence.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The United States is a diverse country with millions of people who believe in different religions and serve different Gods (or the same God called by different names). Students have a right to go to school and not be made to feel uncomfortable because of public prayer. The problem with supporters of prayer in public schools is that they do not understand the Supreme Court’s 1962 ruling. The Supreme Court’s ruled organized prayer is unconstitutional. Students can still pray privately. There is no reason to have public prayer unless the goal is to sway individuals to a particular way of thinking. Twenty-two years before the 1962 ruling, in 1940, the Supreme Court ruled â€Å"that a public school may require students to salute the flag and pledge allegiance even if it violates their religious scruples† (, pg. 2).   Although this ruling was overturned three years later, it shows how the subject of school and religion has always been a murky area. The issue of prayer in school remains â€Å"unsettled† from the Supreme Court to local governments to school officials (Manegold, pg. 1). The first amendment has guaranteed everyone the right to free speech, therefore, citizens of the United States will continue to fight for rights they believe have been infringed in any way. The debate over prayer in school has not ended and is not likely to end in the near future. Works Cited    Manegold, Catherine S. February 5, 1994. Senators Take a Cautious Stand on School Prayer. New York Times. Retrieved from PBS. April 5, 2001. â€Å"School and Religion.† Virginia. Retrieved from Zimmerman, Jonathan. January 25, 2001. â€Å"The Other Massive Resistance: School Prayer and the Conservative Revolution, 1962-1984†. New York University. Retrieved from

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The India-Pakistan Relationship

The India-Pakistan Relationship India Pakistan relationship has been marred with conflict ever since their independence and both the nations have been involved in three major wars till date in1947-48, 1965 and 1971. In 1998, both countries conducted nuclear tests to enter the nuclear powered nations club. This led a few number of experts to profess that the nuclear deterrence would lead to stabilization of conflict in the sub continent and result in establishment of peace. This kind of deterrence was witnessed by the world for the second time, the first being nuclear deterrence between the cold war foes of NATO and Warsaw Pact countries and to be more specific the US and USSR. Experts from the field of international relations who applied the theories developed in the cold war era Europe to the South Asian rivalry professed that the chances of conventional conflict using regular forces are a thing of the past in case of these two nations. This theory was further reinforced by the Kargil war and the standoff subsequ ent to the attack on Indian Parliament in 2001. In 1999 Pakistan occupied a large number of posts after crossing the LOC in the Kargil sector, threatening the crucial Srinagar Leh highway using regular troops in the guise of Mujahids. The Indian Army reacted to the situation by regrouping and launching Operation Vijay, and started to recapture the posts by forcibly removing Pakistani troops occupying the posts. This operation was also accompanied by a full scale mobilisation of its military forces by India; however despite the tough posturing by India the war remain limited to the Kargil sector. This was primarily because of tremendous pressure mounted by the international community, especially the US fearing that this conflict may escalate to a nuclear plain. In 2001 the same massive mobilisation was witnessed by both the countries when they had their forces deployed against each other ready for combat. This time in December 2001 following the attack on the Indian parliament by a group of militants trained in Pakistan. The situation reached a flash point when on 14 May 2002, when another terrorist attack on the Indian Army camp in Kaluchak threatened to start a war between the two nuclear neighbours. In this instance also, as seen in Operation Vijay, India despite posturing did not take any punitive offensive action against Pakistan despite having all its forces in a completely mobilized state. The above incidents did reflect a situation where in Pakistan had effectively used the nuclear deterrence to attain strategic parity with India negating a conventional disadvantage and thus supposedly giving it immunity to conduct sub conventional operations without the fear of any retribution. Thus India to face major challenges in conducting sub conventional spectrum in Kashmir, which Pakistan initiated after covertly attaining the nuclear technology in the late 1980s. Its conventional strength negated, and with no option to retaliate India find itself in a position where it will have to work its way around this nuclear parity, so as to be able to stifle the Pakistan supported terrorism. Therefore, we need to carefully study the nuclear capability and doctrine of Pakistan in conjunction with the theories of nuclear deterrence, to work out ways for India to exploit its massive conventional superiority by utilizing it to escalate the conflict spectrum, such that it remains under the level of Total War. METHODOLOGY STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM To analyze nuclear deterrence in India Pakistan relations. Explore the possibility of use of conventional forces by India to counter the sub conventional threat faced from Pakistan, while avoiding a nuclear war. HYPOTHESIS Having attained nuclear capability Pakistan has been acting with a presumption that Indias conventional superiority has been totally negated by the nuclear symmetry and has encouraged the Pakistani military elite to intensify the ongoing Proxy War in Jammu and Kashmir. This has had catastrophic consequences for India, which though enjoying substantial conventional superiority, is unable to use it to counter Pakistans sub conventional threat. It is therefore important to study the interaction between conventional and nuclear deterrence on the India Pakistan relations and generate credible conventional responses to the sub conventional conflict India finds itself embroiled in Jammu and Kashmir. JUSTIFICATION OF THE STUDY Indian armed forces along with paramilitary forces are deeply committed in counterinsurgency operations in Jammu Kashmir, which is fallout of the sub conventional operations by Pakistan in the state. This has been possible due to the fact, that Pakistan has been able to achieve strategic parity with India by attaining nuclear capability which affords it certain degree of immunity from direct retaliation through conventional means by Indian forces. Off late, the thought process in higher echelons of Indian leadership has been to ascertain What should be Indias response, should Pakistan continue with its sub conventional campaign? While a majority of international relation theorists who studied the nuclear deterrence during the cold war, suggest that the likelihood of a conventional conflict between two nuclear armed rivals are slim, as it leads to a situation of mutually assured destruction (MAD). However, it would be injudicious to apply these theories in their entirety in the Indo Pak context, as the conditions and realties that exist in South Asia are considerably different than that of the cold war. Thus there exists a window for vertical escalation of the ongoing sub conventional engagement which is below the nuclear threshold. This would however depend on Pakistans response to a conventional threat, as it the weaker party. Thus any suggested response for India should also carefully consider the Pakistani nuclear capability and doctrine as well, so as to work out practical options for use of conventional military and allow India to effectively counter its asymmetric threat. This study is thus aimed at ascertaining the possibility of a conventional war between India and Pakistan without it getting escalated to a total war. SCOPE The paper concentrates on analysing the effect of nuclear deterrence on India and Pakistan relations, applicability of various international relation theories on this relationship and possibility of use of conventional forces by India as counter to proxy war waged by Pakistan while staying below the nuclear threshold. METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION The methodology employed in this investigation to gather information and data was as follows: Scanning of literature on nuclear capability and doctrines of India and Pakistan. Study of various International Relation theories worked out to explain the superpower relations during the cold war. Scanning various articles and books by authors concerning the nuclear situation in South Asia. A bibliography of sources studied and referred has been appended at the end of the text. ORGANISATION OF THE DISSERTATION (CHAPTERISATION) The dissertation has been carried out in the following parts:- Chapter I Introduction. The background, introduction to the subject and methodology will be covered in this chapter. Chapter II Deterrence In Context Of India Pakistan Relations. This chapter will cover the theoretical aspects of deterrence and its applicability in the context of India Pakistan relationship. Chapter III Nuclear Peace Hypothesis : Manifestation in India Pakistan Relations. This chapter will study the hypothesis of nuclear peace as propounded by academic experts of international relations and analyse the India Pakistan relations in its light. Chapter IV Pakistans Nuclear Weapons Capability And Command Control Setup. This chapter deals with the nuclear weapons capability that Pakistan possesses, to include its weapon system and delivery platforms, as well as the nuclear command and control setup. Chapter V Nuclear Weapon Use by Pakistan : Probability and Scenarios. This chapter will concentrate on the probability of nuclear weapon use by Pakistan and the various scenarios in which they are likely to be used. Chapter VI Options Available To India For Use Of Conventional Forces. This chapter will study the options available with India to use conventional force to deter Pakistan from undertaking sub conventional operations in Kashmir. Chapter VII Conclusion. The conclusion of the paper and appropriate recommendations will be made in this chapter. CHAPTER II DETERRENCE IN CONTEXT OF INDIA PAKISTAN RELATIONS We will not prematurely or unnecessarily risk the costs of worldwide nuclear war in which even the fruits of victory would be ashes in our mouth. John F. Kennedy The word deterrence comes from the latin verb deterree, which means to frighten. It is an attempt to influence how and what an enemy thinks and does  [1]  . Thus deterrence is a state of mind that prevents a deterree from acting in a way a deterror considers harmful. In a simplistic form, deterrence is a crucial factor in the mind of someone trying to decide the benefits of executing a crime versus the likelihood and consequences of getting caught  [2]  . The success or failure of deterrence also depends upon how the message is conveyed by the deterror to the deterree. In order to elucidate this aspect, the situation before the two Gulf Wars needs to be considered and understood which highlights the importance of how the deterrence message is framed and understood, as well as how disastrous it can be to fail to understand the thinking of the other side. Before Saddam Hussain invaded Kuwait in August 1990, the US diplomatic and political positioning was such that it failed to give a clear message that it would react strongly to any Iraqi invasion. Hence failure to clearly convey deterrence between the sides, ultimately lead to the war. The example brings into play the lesser known twin of deterrence which is compellance  [3]  . Deterrence can also be defined as the prevention of action for fear of the consequences, brought about by the existence of a credible threat of unacceptable counteraction. Thus, it is designed to prevent something. Compellance on the other hand involves threat of consequences designed to cause the other party to reverse or to stop carrying out some unwanted action or activity, which has already occurred, the result is war. Similar analysis could be applied to the Cuban Missile Crisis, where initial misunderstandings lead to the failure of both deterrence and compellance. One could also use the word coercion to cover both deterrence and compellance. Another associated question  [4]  with the concept of deterrence which arises is How much is enough? Since deterrence is essentially a psychological phenomenon, it is not surprising that how much punishment is sufficient to deter another state, which has always been a controversial and an elastic standard. Types of Military Deterrence Military deterrence are of two kinds defensive (conventional) and by punitive (nuclear)  [5]  . Effective deterrence is a matter of convincing an opponent that certain harm to him will accompany the act one wishes to deter. Thus it amounts to the imposition of a calculus of risk and value on an opponent, such that the value of the act sought to be deterred does not exceed the risk, which is an assessment of the likelihood and the extent of harm. For deterrence to succeed, the enemy has to be persuaded that the deterror has the capacity to act, in a manner that it inflicts greater cost than the advantages to be won by attaining the objective, and that it would actually undertake the act if it is required to. However if the deterror takes the threat of retaliation into account, he can no longer deter all objectionable acts. Thus making it obligatory on the deterror to distinguish between those objectives of indispensable value such as national survival, and objects of relatively l ess importance/value. While in the overall gambit of geopolitics there are large number of instruments of state power which work to deter an adversary, to include but not limited to, political, economic, diplomatic, military power. However in purely military terms deterrence is of two types:- Conventional Deterrence. This is the deterrence accrued by a nation owing to it possessing a higher military strength, which would mean quality and quantity of hardware as well as trained military force. This spectrum of military power will include land, air and naval forces. This type of deterrence can be easily achieved by the nation which has a larger resource base both in terms of population as well as economic capital. Therefore, in a bilateral conflict the country which is larger in size tends to be the nation which generally has more deterrent potential (militarily), as it is assumed that it can not only maintain a larger force but would also be able to sustain the conflict much longer. Nuclear Deterrence. This is the deterrence accrued by a nation when it possesses a nuclear weapon, and is studied separately because nuclear weapon exchange is likely to have such substantial effect to both the parties that it would force any nation irrespective of its size to ponder on the effects of such an engagement, hence forcing the dilemma of cost-benefit ratio in the minds of leaders of both the sides. Thus a weaker/smaller nation which faces a superior nation always opts for a nuclear deterrence, as was evident after the end of the Second World War, wherein the United States laid emphasis on developing its nuclear arsenal to counter the numerical superiority of the erstwhile USSR. Nuclear deterrence theory consists of six key elements  [6]  , which have to be satisfied to be of any effect, these are:- The assumption of a very severe conflict. The assumption of rationality. The concept of retaliatory threat. The concept of unacceptable damage. The notion of credibility. The notion of deterrence stability. Conventional Deterrence in Relation of India Pakistan India as a nation possesses all ingredients to effectively deter Pakistan in as far as conventional deterrence is concerned. However, this was not always the case, as after independence being of roughly comparable size both in economic and military strengths, India had limited deterrent capability. Although India did enjoy numerical superiority in its armed forces it was hardly sufficient to act as a deterrent for its new neighbour, coupled with the fact that Pakistani military leadership wrongly hypothesised that there soldier were better than their Indian counterparts and any advantage accrued due to numerical superiority was more than compensated. Their belief of superiority was further fortified when as part of its alliance with the US they received technologically advanced weaponry hence achieving qualitative edge over India. This myth carried by the Pakistani elite for a considerable period of time, manifested in the various wars which the two nations have since fought. However this misconception of its superior relative strength came crashing on the Pakistani leadership in 1971 when facing the full potential of the Indian military, it was not only defeated convincingly but also lead to it being bifurcated. Post 1971 there was no conventional conflict as India successfully deterred Pakistan, which till then was always the aggressor. This deterrence that India possessed was for the following reason:- Conventional superiority of the Indian military infrastructure both as quantitatively well as qualitatively. Economic superiority, considering the size of Indian economy vis-à  -vis that of Pakistan. Diplomatic strength wherein India had a larger clout in the comity of nations including Islamic states, being considered a peace loving nation which is actively involved in various international forums. Effectiveness of Conventional Deterrence Against Pakistan India Pakistan relationship is going through a period during which no conventional conflict has occurred between them for a long time. However, this period does not signify that of peace as India has been facing a heightened level of sub conventional threat in Kashmir from Pakistan. So the question which arises is that has India been able to achieve effective deterrence against Pakistan or not? The extent and severity of the sub conventional threat that India faced in Kashmir is clearly brought out by the figure 1. FIGURE 1 : FATALITY LEVELS IN JAMMU AND KASHMIR  [7]   The details given above make it clearly evident that though India may have deterred a conventional conflict but the same may not hold true for the sub conventional spectrum. This can be attributed to the attainment of nuclear weapons capability by Pakistan as the threat of conventional conflict reduced Pakistan adopted an aggressive policy of sub conventional operations against India  [8]  . Thus providing a political lever to the Pakistani ruling class to be exploited in international as well as national arena, while reducing the efficacy of Indian Army by embroiling it in asymmetric warfare leading to a classical case of Stability Instability Paradox, which is defined as under:- To the extent that the military balance is stable at the level of all out nuclear war, it will become less stable at lower levels of violence  [9]  . Another expert elaborates; nuclear weapons can generate risk taking because they presumably provide an insurance policy against escalation  [10]  . 23. Hence it is pertinent to note that while India enjoys substantial conventional deterrence the same seems to be ineffective when faced with a nuclear adversary which is undertaking a sub conventional operation against it. Therefore, a thorough analysis would be necessary to ascertain whether India can utilize its conventional superiority and come out of the stability-instability logjam, thus leading to the end of strife in Kashmir. The only example which can be studied to derive suitable future courses of action would be the nuclear deterrence between the NATO and the Warsaw pact countries during the cold war. This nuclear relationship was studied extensively and a number of international relation theories formalized to explain the interaction between the two parties. The most prominent of these hypotheses, forwarded by international relations experts, in as far as conflict involving nuclear states are concerned is the Nuclear Peace Hypothesis which may shed some light on the stat us of the current relations between India and Pakistan. However the theories evolved in a different set of situations may not be fully applicable to India Pakistan relations and thus require suitable modifications to be relevant. And is it possible, at least theoretically, for India to escalate the conflict to conventional level. CHAPTER III NUCLEAR PEACE HYPOTHESIS : MANIFESTATION IN INDIA PAKISTAN RELATIONS No explanation for the current strategic situation is satisfactory without a definition of the nuclear situation; no definition of the nuclear situation is possible without knowledge of the laws that rule deterrence. Andre Beaufre Do nuclear weapons reduce the probability of war? From the starting days of the nuclear weapon development, proponents of nuclear deterrence argued that these weapons have the capacity to reduce the probability of conventional war resulting in what may be called as the Nuclear Peace. Studying the dynamics of the Cold War, some scholars have argued that this is indeed what happened. Despite large number of crises and several proxy wars, the US and USSR avoided a direct military confrontation as both feared an escalation to a nuclear plain. They suggest that unlike conventional deterrence, nuclear deterrence is extremely robust because even irrational or unintelligent leaders are likely to recognize the exceedingly high cost of nuclear war. Therefore, proponents of nuclear deterrence claim with a high degree of confidence that the probability of major war among states having nuclear weapons approaches zero. Although Cold War was fierce but it never did escalate to World War III. Indeed, some experts argue that Cold War can be thought of as the Long Peace. And despite the collapse of Eastern Block and the end of Cold War the relative period of peace continues. However, other forms of warfare (sub conventional, asymmetric warfare, etc.) have been seen in various parts of the world but no major war has broken out. So what is responsible for the absence of major wars between great powers after WWII? The three main schools of international relations (IR) theorists have each offered answers to this question  [11]  . Neo-Liberalism. As per Neo-liberals democracy, trade and international organizations are the key causes of peace. Constructivism. While constructivists view democracy, trade, and international organizations as important factors, argue that the main facilitator of the Long Peace are the evolving norms and the social construction of identity. Neo-realism. They attribute peace during the Cold War to bipolarity and nuclear deterrence. Robert Rauchhaus has quantitatively evaluated the nuclear peace hypothesis and his findings indicate that the impact of nuclear weapons is more complicated than is conventionally appreciated  [12]  . He further theorizes that when nuclear asymmetry exists between two states, a greater chance of military disputes and war exists. In contrast, when there is symmetry and both states possess nuclear weapons, then the odds of war drop drastically. When combined, these findings provide support for the existence of the stability instability paradox. Evidence suggests that while nuclear weapons promote strategic stability, they simultaneously allow for more risk-taking in lower intensity disputes. He thus gives out the following hypotheses:- Hypothesis 1. The probability of major war between two states will decrease if both states possess nuclear weapons  [13]  . Hypothesis 2. The probability of crisis initiation and limited uses of force between two states will increase when both states possess nuclear weapons  [14]  . Hypothesis 3. The probability of major war between two states will decrease or remain constant if one state possesses nuclear weapons  [15]  . Hypothesis 4. The probability of lower level conflicts will decrease or remain the same if one state possesses nuclear weapons  [16]  . Applicability of Nuclear Peace Hypothesis in India Pakistan Relations Having studied the various nuclear peace hypotheses, it will be clear that the first two would be applicable in the context of India Pakistan relations, as both countries are nuclear states. These hypotheses do hold considerably well, when we see them in relation to India Pakistan conflict, the same has been discussed in subsequent sub paragraphs:- Hypothesis 1. The probability of major war between two states will decrease if both states possess nuclear weapons  [17]  . Relations between India and Pakistan have repeatedly reached flashpoints wherein they were dangerously close to an all out war ( Kargil 1999, Op Parakaram 2001) but they somehow manged to avoid escalating the conflict into an open war, hence maintaining strategic peace. This hypothesis may also apply to the pre 1998 era where in both the nations had acquired nuclear capability but had still not come out in open. India although having conducted its first nuclear test in 1974 is said to have acquired operational capability only in early 1980s, while Pakistan is said to have attained the capability somewhere between 1986 and 1990. Hypothesis 2. The probability of crisis initiation and limited uses of force between two states will increase when both states possess nuclear weapons  [18]  . If we study the trend of sub conventional operations by Pakistan in Kashmir it would be clearly evident that the same was initiated by Pakistan on covertly acquiring the nuclear capability during the period mentioned  [19]  and then again given a fresh impetus after the 1998 nuclear tests. Thus it may be theorised, that Pakistan has used nuclear deterrence to negate Indias conventional superiority, while engaging in a sub conventional conflict. This hypothesis is also called the Stability Instabilty Paradox which was first discussed in detail by Mr Snyder in an essay in 1965. The situation is such that terrorism has become the foremost issue, which divides India and Pakistan  [20]  . And while a cursory study of the above hypotheses may lead one to conclude that the probability of fighting a conventional war is bleak, it must be understood that though the hypothesis says that a major war is unlikely between India Pakistan, a major war is defined as when one of the nation wants to completely subject the other to its will  [21]  . This is in contrast the thinking of the present military leadership, which misunderstands it with any conflict in which conventional forces are used. Thus as per the hypothesis a repeat of 1971 war may be unfeasible, but a repeat of 1965 may be a possibility, till the time the aims of the conflict are limited and both the parties are clearly aware of the same. This does have a historical example, the Sino-Soviet dispute of 1968, where both the sides had nuclear capability but since the aims of the war were limited neither parties used a nuclear weapon even when faced with an adverse outcome. Therefore there is a case for India to utilise its conventional forces, to counter the Pakistan initiated proxy war, by initiating a punitive limited objective war with Pakistan, with the sole aim of deterring it from continuance of the sub conventional war in Kashmir. Applicability of Cold War International Theories in South Asia While there may have been the Long Peace during the cold war because of nuclear deterrence, but is it applicable to the Indo Pak relation? The answer to this question is more likely to be negative for the following reasons  [22]  :- While Pakistans security concern is India centric, those of India extend beyond South Asia. Thus the relation is not a standalone interaction but is subject to pressures from external factors, which are unpredictable. This is contrary to the relation dynamics of the cold war. India Pakistan also do not enjoy the same degree of independence of action, as was available to the US and USSR. This is due to the fact that, unlike the cold war rivals who were at the top of the power hierarchy, India and Pakistan will be subject to interference/influence in their policy and decision making processes. Geographical proximity of the two countries is also a facet which did not exist in the cold war and thus both countries will be affected by wind movements and fallout in case of a nuclear attack on the other. However, the foremost reason for non applicability of the theories in South Asia is because unlike the cold war where both the sides were led by satisfied powers i.e. the powers had accepted the status quo in Europe which was concretized by the Helsinki process, Pakistan is a revisionist state. Wherein Pakistan wants to change the status quo in South Asia w.r.t. Kashmir  [23]  . However to postulate feasibility for use of conventional forces for punitive action against Pakistan, it would be prudent to study Pakistans nuclear capabilities and command control setup besides the international relation theories. are feasible not only as per international relations theories but also practical in view of the nuclear weapons capability that Pakistan possesses and the nuclear command control structure it has in place to use a nuclear weapon against India. This is because to have an extremely low nuclear threshold, as Pakistan professes to have, it requires certain capabilities and infrastructure to be in place which is still deficient. Hence it is necessary to study the nuclear capability and command control setup of Pakistan. CHAPTER IV PAKISTANS NUCLEAR WEAPONS CAPABILITY AND COMMAND CONTROL SETUP Deterrence is greatest when military strength is coupled with the willingness to employ it. It is achieved when one sides readiness to run risks in relation to the other is high; it is least effective when the willingness to run risks is low, however powerful the military capability. Henry Kissinger The foundation for the India Pakistan conflict is complex, Pakistans fears about India are not only because of the imbalance of power and Indian ambition for regional power status, but also because of the pre Partition conflict and divergent ideas of nationalism  [24]  . Since independence the relations between the two countries have never been normal or even

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Modernization Program Project Management

Modernization Program Project Management Interrelated duties or tasks implemented within a certain time in a fixed period on a certain cost with other limitations following a certain strategy is known as project ( (2016), occasionally these projects have been outsourced to a specialized outsourcing companies which are specialized in project management, in order to maximize their efficiency within available resources. Being employed by a consultancy firm, I have been given a task to complete a consultancy report so the company can reemploy and execute its Modernization Program. The report will help to identify and rectify the best abilities being executed on the basis of the detailed set of the tasks explained in this report. All the analysis and the evaluation of the said program to cover all the aspects of the execution will be provided. The relationship between the firm and Remploy will be strengthened by implemented the required changes. Reason The general objective of this venture is to modernize Remploy processing plants that are being worked by debilitated individuals to limit operational cost. Another objective is to augment the general effectiveness of all Remploy manufacturing plants by diminishing the reliance on individuals and limiting general blunders that may happen. The change must be made in a manner that the representatives dont feel constrained or debilitated by this modernization. The extent must be finished inside the given spending plan.[G9][G10] Employees must be acceptable, moved and remuneration must be given to the individuals who are not willing to acknowledge this change.[G11][G12] To guarantee that Remploy and its representatives are happy with the general execution of the program. This must be done gently. Scope Remploy is in charge of the work of crippled individuals all through the Assembled Kingdom. This includes extraordinary abilities with a specific end goal to handle incapacitated individuals and help their reintegration in the general public. Remploy has been practical since the finish of World War II and from that point forward they have been in charge of making and giving employments to a large number of impaired individuals. Through this modernization program, Remploy means to make more occupations and increment the number of individuals utilized while keeping the spending restricted. This has been remembered and a Gantt diagram has been made to meet the given time span of the venture.[G13][G14][G15] An exhaustive arrangement has additionally been set up to guarantee a smooth and simple move of Remploy to a more current working environment. This reintegration is aided by the given spending plan on which light will be shed also in this report. Objectives The program plan for this report diagrams the essential undertakings that will be required to start, arrange and execute the program for Remploy. This will likewise incorporate a definite design of the arranging of the program which will be the urgent piece of this program. All dates are well thought and plainly named. Gantt Chart S. No Task Number Task Name Start Date End Date Duration 1 1 Initialization of the program[G17] 2/1/2017 26/1/2017 20 days 2 1.1 Scope definition 2/1/2017 7/1/2017 6 days 3 1.2 Identification of roles 10/1/2017 15/1/2017 6 days 4 1.3 Finalization and Gain of approval 17/1/2017 26/1/2017 8 days 5 2 Planning of the project 27/1/2017 24/4/2017 62 days 6 2.1 Development of a plan 27/1/2017 16/3/2017 35 days 7 2.1.1 Work breakdown structure development 27/1/2017 7/2/2017 8 days 8 2.1.2 Program staffing plan 8/2/2017 16/2/2017 7 days 9 2.1.3 Program schedule plan 17/2/2017 2/3/2017 10 days 10 2.1.4 Project budget development 3/3/2017 16/3/2017 10 days 11 2.2 Project Control Plan Development 17/3/2017 24/4/2017 27 days 12 2.2.1 Technical assistance development 17/3/2017 28/3/2017 8 days 13 2.2.2 Quality management plan 29/3/2017 6/4/2017 7 days 14 2.2.3 Contingency management plan 7/4/2017 17/4/2017 7 days 15 2.3 Finalization and Gain of approval 18/4/2017 24/4/2017 5 days 16 3 Execution of the Project 25/4/2017 25/4/2021 1044 days 17 3.1 Phase One 18 3.2 Phase Two 19 3.3 Phase Three The program plan for this report diagrams the essential tasks that will be required to start, arrange and execute the program for Remploy. This will likewise incorporate a nitty gritty design of the arranging of the program which will be the critical piece of this program. All dates are well thought and plainly marked. The execution of the project will be done in three basic stages that have been estimated to take around 3-4 years depending on the number of working days and the efficiency of execution. The stages are in line with the case study of Remploy which breaks it down to its core levels. The manpower to be used has not been highlighted in the chart due to its vast and immense execution. This will need a more thoroughly thought plan to be done during the planning phase of the program. The execution phases have been described below: Phase 1 Closing of sites that have been selected for the program Transfer of employees and equipment to a new site Phase 2 Reintegration of employees in the new environment Restarting business in the new sites using transferred equipment and employees Phase 3 Help change the mindset of employees and speed up the progress of business by helping them settle down in the new environment Ensure that the business operates competitively and efficiently with the market and all legislations are satisfied COST ESTIMATION A comprehensive budget provides management with an understanding of how funds will be utilized and expanded over time for projects or operations (Insight ®, 1997). [G18]The budget for the five-year plan has been set around 555[G19] million pounds by the department of work and pension. The Minister for disabled people had set out this budget in order to reduce costs by modernization and helping disabled people compete with the competitive market. The breakdown of this budget is shown below. It should be kept in mind that Remploy is responsible for 84 factories that need to be modernized and employees relocated, therefore, the execution of the project is bound to use the maximum amount of [G20][G21]allotted money. The amount of money that remains can be used to compensate and make up for any damage that may be incurred during the implementation of the project.[G22] Task No. Item Cost (GBP) 1 Initialization of the project 100,000 1.1 Identification and Development of personnel 100,000 2 Planning of the program[G23] 11,000,000 2.1 Development of a plan 500,000 2.2 Development of project control plan 500,000 2.3 Finalization of the program[G24] 100,000 3 Execution of the program[G25] 268,000,000 3.1 Phase one 168,000,000 3.2 Phase two 50,000,000 3.3 Phase three 50,000,000 Total 279,100,000 Advantage administration arranges required to determine the advantages that will be conveyed by the usage of a venture or a program (Benefit administration arrange layout activity, 2015). In this report, an intensive advantage administration arrange has been created to guarantee that the turning points are unmistakably delineated and distinguished to guarantee that the program is on track with its encouraging. Without an advantages administration program, this report would pass up a great opportunity for one of the vital elements that should be distinguished and fill in as a reason for the execution of the program. One such advantage and encouraging to accomplishment have been laid out in the table beneath while utilizing key execution pointer as a help screen the viable use of accomplishing business destinations (Inc, 2016).[G26] BENEFIT: Reduction in operational cost KPI: Liquidity and cash flow improvement Measure Baseline Value (dd/mm/yyyy) Target Value (dd/mm/yyyy) Interim target No Source Monthly cost Reporting Forum Bi-monthly report Start date Frequency Every two months End date When will reporting finish (dd/mm/yy)?[G27] Responsibility for reporting Name Position Factory supervisor Organisation Remploy Dangers are constantly present when the usage of another program is considered. This hazard must be imagined and distinguished by the venture administration group to guarantee that the administration can handle and moderate any dangers without bringing on any money related weight. The dangers distinguished are ordinarily overseen by the firm all through the usefulness of the firm which makes is simpler for them to be taken care of. As a specialist, we are pleased with our capacity to prepare for time and deal with the program at each progression of the arrangement.[G28][G29][G30] Risk Risk Level Likelihood Mitigation Strategy Hours per person High Certain A comprehensive management approach must be applied Programme Schedule High Certain Strict policy of implementation and extra days kept for delays and losses Project deliverables Low Likely to some extent Deliverables are clear to all parties. Will be reinforced from time to time Lack of commitment Low Unlikely Team is motivated to ensure a smooth transition Media and Political pressure Medium Uncertain Constant update and communication with stakeholders and media personnel Loss of individuals Low Unlikely Retention and bonus payments provided to key individuals to keep them motivated Partner administration is the way toward dealing with the desire of any individual who has an enthusiasm for a venture or will be influenced by it and is a key initiative instrument. At the point when there is a cognizant and organized drawn nearer, partner administration secures the possession and responsibility fundamental for conveying changes (Board, no date). The accompanying graphs portray the partner administration and correspondence arranges altogether [G31]that will be actualized to guarantee that correspondence between the venture administration group and the group of Remploy will be all around educated at all time. Stakeholders need to be identified and informed about the processes going on within the program. These stakeholders are as following: Project management consultant HR team of Remploy Remploy financial experts Remploy operational expert Remploy management Equipment suppliers Office of Minister for disabled persons Equipment suppliers and contractors Employees of Remploy The following matrix shows the distribution of the above-mentioned stakeholders for the modernization program to be implemented by Remploy.   Ã‚   Introduction According to Management, a project management framework is a subset of tasks, tools, and templates used in combination by the team to envision the major elements of the projects which ar[G34]e needed to initiate a program (Guide, 2010). These elements ensure that the resources such as money, employees, equipment and time are used to their maximum potential by efficient planning, implementation, and control. This ensures that the deliverables of the project are achieved on time which helps the overall p[G35]rogress of the program. There are numerous frameworks that are used in the business world today which are there to aid the project management team to work their way around a project. These frameworks include the Risk management framework, Change management frame[G36]work, Process based management framework and lean management framework. It is not easy to decide which framework to work with since there are numerous businesses with multiple deliverables and no framework is proven to produce the best result. Two or more frameworks can sometimes be merged by a manager depending on their requirements. Two frameworks that will be discussed for this project are Change management framework and Risk management framework. The advantages, disadvantages and critical analysis of each framework are discussed below. CRITICAL JUSTIFICATION Risk Management framework Risk management framework identifies the risks involved in the project with respect to stakeholders and provides a detailed analysis of each risk. The risk management framework is widely used due to its vast application and capability of mitigating risks related to a project. The disadvantage of using this framework especially for this Modernization program would be the huge amount of expertise required to calculate and analyze all risks involved with the project. Since the program is scheduled to be implemented in five years, this can cause an, even more, uncertainty which would increase the cost related to expertise.[G37][G38][G39] Change Management framework Chance administration system distinguishes the dangers required in the venture as for partners and gives a point by point examination of each hazard. The hazard administration structure is broadly utilized because of its immense application and ability of moderating dangers identified with a venture. The detriment of utilizing this structure particularly for this Modernization program would be the enormous measure of ability required to compete and break down all dangers required with the venture. Since the program is planned to be actualized in five years, this can bring about a significantly more instability which would build the cost identified with skill.[G40][G41] Reflection and Conclusion (2016) in Available at: (Accessed: 18 December 2016). Insight ®, P. (1997) Project management and the comprehensive project budget. Available at: (Accessed: 19 December 2016). Benefit management plan template initiative (2015) Available at: (Accessed: 19 December 2016). Bourda, F. (no date) Tata Consultancy Services. Available at: (Accessed: 19 December 2016). Inc, K. (2016) KPI examples. Available at: (Accessed: 19 December 2016). Guide, M.M. (2010) Project management framework: Definition and basic elements. Available at: (Accessed: 19 December 2016). Unknown (2010) Change management framework work process improvement Charles Sturt university. Available at: (Accessed: 19 December 2016). [G1]Deleted:, [G2]Inserted: , [G3]Inserted: is [G4]Deleted:be [G5]Deleted:me [G6]Inserted: umber [G7]Deleted:qua [G8]Deleted:tity [G9]Inserted: t [G10]Deleted:d [G11]Inserted: e, [G12]Deleted:y [G13]Inserted: umber [G14]Deleted:qua [G15]Deleted:tity [G16]Deleted:d [G17]Deleted:me [G18]Inserted: a [G19]Inserted: [G20]Inserted: , [G21]Inserted: , [G22]Deleted:e [G23]Deleted:me [G24]Deleted:me [G25]Deleted:me [G26]Deleted:its [G27]Deleted:yy [G28]Inserted: r [G29]Inserted: f [G30]Deleted:f [G31]Inserted: s [G32]Inserted: the [G33]Inserted: the [G34]Inserted: , [G35]Inserted: , [G36]Inserted: to [G37]Inserted: , [G38]Inserted: , [G39]Deleted:me [G40]Inserted: e [G41]Deleted:u

Monday, August 19, 2019

Evolutionary Ethics :: Morals Philosophy Philosophical Essays

Evolutionary Ethics ABSTRACT: Michael Ruse has argued that evolutionary ethics discredits the objectivity and foundations of ethics. Ruse must employ dubitable assumptions, however, to reach his conclusion. We can trace these assumptions to G. E. Moore. Also, part of Ruse’s case against the foundations of ethics can support the objectivity and foundations of ethics. Cooperative activity geared toward human flourishing helps point the way to a naturalistic moral realism and not exclusively to ethical skepticism as Ruse supposes. Introduction: Ruse’s Metaethical Assumptions Michael Ruse has argued that evolutionary ethics discredits the objectivity and foundations of ethics (Ruse 1991, Ruse 1993). Ruse must employ dubitable assumptions, however, to reach his conclusion. Also, parts of Ruse’s case against the foundations of ethics can support the objectivity and foundations of ethics. Ruse’s narrow construal of ‘the foundations of ethics’ plays an important role in his arguments against the foundations of ethics. He considers only 3 possible contenders that could serve as foundations for ethics: 1) Moorean non-naturalism, 2) Platonic Forms, and 3) the Divine Command Theory (Ruse 1993: 157). For Ruse, each of the three contenders explains how morality can refer to something "out there"(Ruse 1993: 153, 158). Notice that for Ruse one can only maintain the position of moral realism—the view that at least some moral issues are objective and obtain independently of our moral beliefs—non-naturalistically. His reasoning for this is clear. He points out that Moore’s arguments against the evolutionary ethics of Herbert Spencer turned on the is/ought distinction. According to this distinction, we cannot logically ground ethical statements naturalistically, for one cannot derive ‘ought’ from ‘is’. Mooreâ€℠¢s arguments against ethical naturalism—the view that moral claims/facts/judgments are nothing but a special class of natural claims/facts/judgments—help make Moore’s case in favor of non-naturalism. Plato’s non-natural Forms and the commands of a non-natural divinity would also avoid the difficult task of deriving values from natural, physical facts that ethical naturalism faces. Philosophers (not least of all Ruse) commonly proclaim that Moore’s application of the naturalistic fallacy hinges on the is/ought distinction. For Moore, we cannot derive moral statements from non-moral statements because "‘good’ is indefinable, or, as Prof. Sidgwick says, an ‘unanalysable notion’" (Moore 1903: 17). This would imply of course that any attempt whatsoever to define or analyze a moral term such as ‘good’ in other terms is fallacious. Moore concedes that we can analyze moral words in terms of each other but all reductions of moral terms will ultimately reduce to ‘good’ and ‘bad’.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Revenge in Emily Brontes Wuthering Heights Essay -- Wuthering Heights

Wuthering Heights:  Ã‚   Revenge – The Strongest Theme  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     When Wuthering Heights, by Emily Bronte, first appeared in 1847, it was thought to be obscene and crude (Chase 19).   To the common person, it was shocking and offensive, and it did not gain popularity until long after it was first published.   When the piece of literature became widely read and discussed, however, Bronte was declared as a â€Å"romantic rebel against repressive conventions and a writer who made passion part of novelistic tradition† (Chase 19).   Unlike earlier writers, Bronte used factors from her own life and passions that she personally held to construct her classic novel.   For example, Joseph’s bible-thumper character most likely symbolizes her father, who was a minister.   However, Bronte’s book is not only a breakthrough to literature in these ways.   The narration of the story is also very unique and divergent because there are multiple narrators.   Bronte’s character Lockwood is used to narrate the introductory a nd concluding sections of the novel whereas Nelly Dean narrates most of the storyline.   It’s interesting that Nelly Dean is used because of her biased opinions.   In addition, the structure of Wuthering Heights displays a uniqueness.   Just as Elizabethan plays have five acts, Wuthering Heights is composed of two â€Å"acts,† the times before and after Catherine’s death.   However, unlike stereotypical novels, Wuthering Heights has no true heroes or villains.   â€Å"Although this work was written in the Romantic Period, it is not a romance.   There are no true heroes or villain... ...built up anger and resentment inside him and towards others.   The hurt that Hindley feels is clearly understood, but sympathy for Hindley is only temporary because it is still his own fault for his predicaments.   Hindley’s loss of Wuthering Heights to Heathcliff and his mysterious death reflect how revenge does not make anything better, only worse.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Bronte corroborates that revenge is not only a harsh and rash way to live life, but is counter-productive and hurtful.   Out of all of her major themes, revenge is the most imminent.   The self-hurt involved with vengeance shows there are better ways to solve conflicts.   Bronte sends a great message across by showing how negative revenge can be.   There is no solution to obeying the spontaneous reaction of this negative reprisal.