Thursday, August 8, 2019

Business Law questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Business Law questions - Essay Example Thirdly, it must examine whether the agency went outside its authority. Fourthly, it must examine whether the agency followed the required procedures in making the decision. Fifthly, it must determine whether the decision is so clearly wrong that it disserves to be abandoned. It is uncertain arguing that the agency always wins or loses because the final decision of the U.S District Court is determined by the validity of the dispute and the degree of correctness or wrongness that the agency’s decision was. In 2 (a) there are three procedures that are available for FDA in making new rules. First, it has to provide a Notice for Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) which is a proposal published in the Federal Register for members of public to review and comment on it. Secondly, it is should consider the comments received on the rule during the comment period. Thirdly, it should comply with the â€Å"Effective Date† Rule that determines when the proposed rule will become effective. In 2 (b), a business engaged in importing food could participate in these procedures through reviewing the proposed rule and criticizing it, taking note of the final rule and complying with the â€Å"Effective Date† rule. In 3 (a), there are three laws that affect the records of an administrative agency. First, the Freedom of Information Act renders agency records subject to disclosure and outlines the various procedures that ought to be followed. Secondly, the Administrative Procedure Act dictates the ways through which each agency should avail public information. Thirdly, the Public Records Act specifies that personal information maintained about an individual shall not be disclosed without the person’s consent except for various explicit exceptions (Browne, 6). In 3 (b), the Freedom of Information Act would help my business to obtain information about the activities of my competitors. On the other hand, the Administrative

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