Monday, September 30, 2019
Relationships controlled assessment Essay
On the other hand, Slim’s relationship with Crooks exhibits a number of crucial aspects such as the fact that he uses Crook’s name when mentioning or conversing with him: ‘sure, Crooks’. This indicates that Slim, unlike the rest of the ranch men, possesses morals which prevent him from abusing Crooks in the same manner as them. This is due to the merciful and benevolent character which Slim is reputable for in the ranch. Steinbeck displays Crooks’ attitude towards Slim as respectful but servile due to the formal way in which Crooks addresses him: ‘Mr Slim’. However, Crook’s formal manner towards Slim can also be viewed as a protective mechanism because he knows exactly where he stands in the white society, therefore, he is formal in order to live up to the expectations of the relationships between black and white people, and to protect himself from their wrath. Furthermore, through the use of ‘That won’t do them no good’, Steinbeck contextualises Crooks as wise and intelligent, and conjures the theme of a ‘silent protest’ as Crooks does not verbalise his direct opinion of ‘you are wrong’ and ‘I know more than you’ because he completely accepts his status within the ranch. Adverbs such as ‘quietly’ are used in reference to the way Crooks entered the bunkhouse to emphasise that Crooks understands that he is inferior to white people, so he must maintain his distance from them despite the fact that he longs for their companionship and friendship due to his intense loneliness. This is emphasised further by ‘put his head in’ which displays the concrete barrier separating black and white people, and the fact that Crooks comprehends that he must not cross this barrier in order to prevent his life from being snatched away from him. Moreover, Crook’s eyes are ‘patient’, revealing that patience is a regime for him within the ranch and he has grown accustomed to it. The relationship between Crooks and Lennie is by far the most captivating of all relationships. It is quite different to the relationships between Crooks and the other characters due to a range of distinct reasons; the main reason stemming from Lennie and his innocent mind. Steinbeck deliberately uses Lennie as the first white man to speak to Crooks and enter his room, with the intention of highlighting the possibilities of unity between black and white people, as Lennie is incapable of developing prejudiced views about people. He cannot judge them by the colour of their skin or by their status due to his stunted mind; he simply sees them as human beings. This accumulates the idea that racism and discrimination is instilled within people, they are not born to hate. In addition, repetition of ‘light’ symbolises hope and a pathway to freedom for Crooks, and Lennie himself represents a key to unlock the door of hope and freedom within Crook’s being. ‘light’ also represents purity, and due to Lennie’s pure and innocent nature, he is drawn to this light like a magnet which pulls towards it what it is attracted to and sees friendship with another man at the end of that light. Furthermore, Steinbeck creates pathos and sympathy towards Crooks when he repeats ‘i have a right’ because it emphasises the very few precious rights Crooks has and his struggle to cling onto each and every one of them dearly. In addition, pathos is created with Crook’s confession as we realise that Crooks had lived the ‘Dream’ before, but it was taken away from him due to the taboo of racism and the fear of his rights taken away from him similarly to his dream. In addition, Crooks constantly refers to his rights because his pride gets in his way, he cant go into the bunkhouse so why should he allow white men to enter his property whenever they wish? Crooks and Candy’s relationship conveys that racism exists even amongst the mere outsiders themselves, in this case the older generation (Candy). Upon arrival at Crook’s door, Candy deliberately doesn’t enter as he is aware of the taboo which this could cause. He is cautious of the fact that mingling with a black man would be deeply frowned upon by the white society which refrains him from entering straight away like lennie: ‘he made no attempt to enter’ despite the fact that he wants some company, even if its from a ‘nigger’. This denotes the degree of loneliness which is experienced by predominantly all of the ranch men. Candy asks Crooks if he’s ‘seen Lennie’ and Crooks casually replies ‘ya mean the big guy? ‘ which reiterates the bitter truth of the fact that under other circumstances; they would be very close friends as they both have a great deal in common, such as the fact that they both don’t fit into the society comfortably. furthermore, Candy looks into the room ‘blindly’ as he is unable to see the hope and purity as clearly as lennie. Also due to racism, foul treatment towards crooks, and the fact that he sides with the oppressors rather than the oppressed, Candy’s heart has formed a sinful barrier which obscures his vision from viewing the elements of purity protruding from Crook’s room. Eventually, Candy is invited into Crook’s room and he walks in ’embarrassed’ in contrast to the way Lennie entered which indicates that he is well aware the taboo, yet he somehow finds it shameful that he hasn’t spoken against it for all these years; and now he is being invited into Crook’s room by Crooks himself. Candy takes it upon himself to develop his relationship with Crooks by introducing the dream to him, this makes Crooks hopeful especially when money is mentioned: ‘you say you got the money? ‘ and for a split second, Crooks sees a chance of a better future for himself:’ if you†¦ guys would want a hand’ he seizes the chance to probe them further into letting him participate in their dream, however Steinbeck uses ellipses to generate the idea that Crooks is an intelligent man and he is still wary of his place in the white society, so he is careful with his words and with the level of trust that he shows towards Candy. Alternatively, a sharp reality check is created upon the entrance of Curley’s wife and George into Crook’s room. Steinbeck brings in Curleys wife just when Crooks is beginning to turn over a new leaf with white people to lure him back to reality and erase any glimmer of hope which he may have experienced about ever reaching the same level as white people. Her sudden entrance and elimination of hope through one short yet sharp statement: ‘any of you boys seen curley? ‘ creates a sense of pathos for Crooks as he only had hope for a few seconds, yet she managed to steal even that from him just as quickly; depicting her dominance and control over him as a white woman and also how unpredictable life can be. She also stand ‘still in the doorway’ meaning she blocks his pathway to escaping the torture he endures, and she blocks out his hopes and dreams. Furthermore, Crooks switches to attacking her with his standard defence mode ‘you got no right’ when she becomes exceedingly insulting, however when she snaps back with ‘you know what i can do to you if you open your trap’ he stares ‘hopelessly’ at her indicating that for a split second, he believed that he may have gained control over her. in addition, Crooks ‘drew into himself’ and returned to his usual servile manner: ‘yes maam’ as a way of confirming that he now knows where he stands in the white society and he knows that in order to survive, he must make himself invisible in order to stay out of trouble’s way. Similarly, George stands ‘framed in the doorway’- he, as the leader of this dream permanently blocks the significant doorway as a way of concluding that Crooks can never be part of them, except that Crooks withdraws before he is refrained from joining due to his pride which prevents him from being downgraded: ‘well just forget it’. Moreover, Steinbeck refers to the door again: ‘Crooks looked at the door’ symbolising that just as lennie had brought hope into his life, that hope had been robbed from him when Lennie departed, leaving Crooks to resume his life as usual, as if nothing had happened. to conclude, Steinbeck presents and develops the relationships between Crooks and other characters as very complex and each of them explores a different theme. however, the theme of racism is present within nearly all of the relationships apart from with lennie. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE John Steinbeck section.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Explain the Formation of Stereotypes and Their Effect on Behavior (Guideline)
Explain the formation of stereotypes and their effect on behavior (guideline) Introduction †¢What is a Stereotype? A stereotype is a widely held mental picture that represents an oversimplified, prejudiced, or uncritical judgment, which can be either a positive or negative generalization. †¢The explanation of stereotypes lies in the behaviors of socio-cultural groups and/or individuals, where they determine a certain ‘image’ of particular group. Many studies have been carried out to explain the formations of stereotypes, which include: Social-Cognitive Theory, Group Theory, and Social Representation Theory (Moscovici, 1973). However, I will be using Social-Cognitive Theory and studies done by Steele & Aronson (1995) and Hamilton & Gifford (1976) to support my explanation of the formation of stereotypes and their effects on behaviors. 1 Paragraph Social-Cognitive Theory suggests that, stereotype formation are based on the following reasoning: oOur social world i s very complex and presents us with an overabundance of information oSince our capacity to process information is limited there is a need to simplify our social world oOne of the ways in which we avoid information overload is social categorization oThe categories used in social categorization are stereotypes. †¢One source of stereotype is illusory correlations, which was claimed by Hamilton and Gifford (1976). Illusory correlation is when individuals assume a relationship between two variables, they tend to overestimate the degree of correlation – or see a correlation where none exists. †¢For example, â€Å"women†and â€Å"the ability to drive well†. It is believed that when we see these two variables we will conclude that â€Å"women cannot drive well†. Once the illusory correlation is made, the individuals tend to seek, notice and remember the information that supports the belief, which brings us to our second source of stereotypes, confirmation bias. Confirmation Bias is the tendency to search for new information that confirms our ideas and overlook information that contradicts what we think. †¢By using confirmation bias we gather more evidence to support our illusory correlation. For example, when we have the illusory correlation that â€Å"women cannot drive well†then we will tend to find more bad female drivers while ignoring good female drivers (e. g. female race drivers). 2 paragraphs After, stereotypes are formed has a major effect on the behavior of the subject of the stereotype, which is called the stereotype threat. †¢Stereotype threat refers to the performance impairment that results when individuals asked to carry out some task and made aware of a negative stereotype held against them regarding their groups’ ability to perform well in a task. †¢Stereotype threat is cued by the mere recognition that a negative group stereotype could apply to you in the given situation. And even if the person may not believe the stereotype, he or she may experience a threat. †¢Steele, who is the person who first came up with the idea of stereotype, created an experiment with Aronson to demonstrate that stereotype threat can undermine intellectual performance. †¢Steele & Aronson (1995) used common stereotype that Black Americans are unintelligent and academically untalented to create the experiment and gave a test under two conditions. The test was said to be highly related to academic ability and that it was just a laboratory exercise. The findings were astonishing. When the task was described as ‘unimportant or when participants were not asked to record their ‘race’, the black and white students did equally well. However, when the test was said to be for ‘academic ability’ or when ‘race’ was recorded, clack students did less well. †¢Using his findings, Steele (1997) was able to conclude that spotlight anxi ety is responsible for stereotype threats because the emotional distress and pressure can undermine performance. 3 paragraphs Although many of the psychologists have confidence in their theories I can evaluate that investigating stereotypes is difficult because of the social desirability effect. Moreover, researchers are instead using implicit measures of prejudice such as the IAT (Implicit Association Test) which has its own array of problems. Conclusion †¢In conclusion stereotypes are formed by social categorization, which leads to the social-cognitive theory, whereas their effects of behaviors are affected by believing certain traits (illusionary correlation) and confirmation bias demonstrates that we can percept the traits to influence our behavior.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Consumer Behaviour Research Report Issues Facing Consumers in Adopting Article
Consumer Behaviour Research Report Issues Facing Consumers in Adopting The New Product - Article Example The adoption process is a long one and which involves a variety stages. The first stage is awareness where the consumer becomes exposed to the new idea, good or service. The second stage is the Interest stage where the consumer seeks information related to the product. This is done through a variety of ways such as from brochures, from friends etc. The third stage is the evaluation stage where the consumer of the product considers the possibility of trying the new product. The fourth stage is the Trial stage where the consumer tries the new product on rather a small scale so as to improve his or her estimate of the product’s value. The last stage is the adoption stage where the consumer will make use of the product on a large scale and on a regular basis. Therefore from the above discussion we have seen that adopting a particular product is not a simple task and so much has to be done on the part of the producer to make sure that the new product is adopted by his/her potential customers. There are a variety of issues that face consumers in adopting the new product, these include: the Internal/external environment, the socio cultural and psychological factors, attitudes, beliefs, learning and decision making . The above named factors are explained below. Internal/external environment The success of a new good or service is high dependent on the internal and external environmental factors of a particular company or organization. The internal environment of the organization comprise of the management, the staff, the methods of production involved in coming up with the product or service and its distribution channels. The management should come up with strategies of marketing the product to ensure that many people are aware of the product so that they increase the chances of consumers using it. The staff on the other hand should perceive the product positively so that they talk well of the product to potential consumers (Consumer Buying Behavior, n.d.). They should also be motivated so that they can find something positive to talk about. The production channels should be efficient such that they are able to produce the required number of products to meet demand. This can be through use of appropriate technology and manpower. The distribution channels should be such that they can reach many consumers of the product. If the consumer hears about a certain product he/she should be able to find it in the nearest shop. For Philip Island Nature Park, they should motivate the staff so that they are able to speak positively of the new project. The management should also design strategies that will make people know of the existence of this new project (Solomon, 2010, pp.26-58). The external environment also plays a big role especially with regards to perception. The consumers need to be aware of the company in a positive light so that they can feel proud being associated with their products. If this is done the adoption process is made easy because people will want to try out the new product and if they feel good they will adopt it. It will also reduce the cost of generating awareness and interest in the people before they begin to evaluate the product. The consumers will move directly to the trial stage and this saves a lot of money for the company as
Friday, September 27, 2019
Environmental Health Job Opportunities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Environmental Health Job Opportunities - Essay Example A. It is a fact that 60-90% of the population spend a substantial amount of their time indoors, which can be in private or public buildings like offices, restaurants and schools. Indoor air pollution is responsible for many chronic diseases, which include respiratory diseases and some types of cancer (Jantunen, Oliveira Fernandes, Carrer, & Kephalopoulos, 2011). B. A research on fungi contamination was done in elderly care centres in Portugal; because of elderly people spend a lot of time indoors. Therefore, they are highly influenced by indoor air pollution, which involves the use of substances like bioaerosols. The Bioaerosols were evaluated before and after fungi was measured in the microenvironments; fungi load was high in bedrooms and storage areas (40 different fungal species were isolated). Penicillium and Aspergillus were the most common fungi isolated during the study, the living room registered the lowest fungal concentration as opposed to the storage area that had the highest fungal load (Viegas, Almeida-Silva, Gomes, Wolterbeek, & Almeida, 2014) The research was done by administering questionnaires and measuring and determining the content of indoor air in public places like restaurants. The research aimed at evaluating the smoke free law regarding the quality of indoor air, which was introduced by the Portuguese government in 2008. The study registered a very significant decrease in CO, methane, TO and RSP concentrations after the ban had been passed. The study provides foundational data on smoke free law and its effects on indoor air quality in public places (Madureira, Mendes, & Teixeira, 2013). 5. The cost of living refers to the minimum amount of money that one requires to cover expenses on food, housing, clothing, taxes and healthcare (Bertolazzi, 2007). The cost of living is affected by factors
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Consider how one(or many)of the characters in Harper Lee's To Kill a Essay
Consider how one(or many)of the characters in Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird are constructing their Identity. Analysis How - Essay Example It could be studied with equal felicity under the feminist, psychoanalytic or formalistic critical frameworks. To this extent, the novel can be said to be ‘polysemic’. Polysemy is the state of having more than one meaning. Though first coined to describe a linguistic phenomenon, the term has now gained a broader meaning so that it is also applied in discussing authorial intent in literary works. Also implied in the term ‘polysemy’ is the notion that perceptions vary depending on the particular identity of the reader, and â€Å"that words are multi-ordinal; these characteristics can lead to or permit conscious or unconscious confusion. The existence of diverging perceptions and language are explained through general semantics. Two significant ideas of general semantics are non-identity and infinity of values. Each of these ideas is manifest in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee.†(Kasper, 2006, p.273) With the help of insights offered by Mar xist school of literary criticism, this essay will argue that social class is a major divisive factor in the novel. A central theme of the novel is its characters’ tendency to strongly identify with their race. Just as race separates, the human will is shown to overcome this difference. The decision by Atticus Finch to defend the black Tom Robinson is the most luminous example. Atticus’ defense of the innocent Robinson proves a daunting task. Despite convincing evidence to acquit Robinson from his guilt, the exclusively white jury convicts him all the same. Even the prison officials concoct a fake encounter and shoot Robinson while he was allegedly trying to escape. What is so shocking is that even within the confines of institutions of law and law enforcement, racial identity plays a dominant and destructive role. Clearly, racial prejudice overwhelms notions of fairness and justice espoused by law. (Singley, 2002, p.47) Applying Marxist critical thought to the novel w e see how race is strongly correlated with class. This means that all the blacks in the novel are inevitably also poor. This relationship between race and class makes the study of Atticus Finch all that more interesting and important. Atticus Finch is an exception to the typical characterization of white men – those seen in the novel as well as they actually existed in early twentieth century America. It order to deconstruct the formative ingredients behind Atticus Finch’s identity, we have to consider his upbringing, his influences, etc. From the references available in the text, we learn that Atticus Finch was a pious man. He is someone who looked up to the words of the scriptures in both letter and spirit. He brings the same attitude and mindset to his work as a lawyer. For Atticus, the spirit is more important than the literal interpretations of law – a concept he assimilated from his personal realizations of God. The manner in which Atticus brings up his ow n children is another indication of how his character is constructed. It is fair to assume that cherished values and virtues are inculcated by parents in their children. Just as Atticus’ children Scout and Jem are raised without prejudice or hatred, he in turn must have been raised the same way. So, it is fair to claim that Atticus’ identity development falls outside Marxist literary critique, for there is no trace of identity with class that is central to Marxism. On the other hand, religion and culture play
Why Finland Education Model will not work for the United States Essay
Why Finland Education Model will not work for the United States Education System - Essay Example These include; institutional design, funding, and Teacher training- teacher retention. Critical analysis of these factors and their application between the two countries explains the variation in their education performance ranking. Unless united States initiate reforms on its institutional designs, it will lag behind Finland in terms of its overall education system performance. The Finland government has centralized education policy decisions under the ministry of education. This means that the curriculum structure is uniform and tests are homogeneous across the whole country. Such institutional design means that diverse teaching skills are applicable in different settings and learners abilities. This offers better opportunities for the children and teachers with unique differences to work towards a common goal. This explains the outstanding performance of the education system in Finland as seen from its high global ranking over United States. In-depth assessment of the institutional design of United States exposes significant flaws that make its education system relatively poor (Tiina and Markku, 2007). The curriculum development and implementation has been decentralized to individual states. This has placed significant accountability pressure on the teachers and placed much emphasis on passing tests. This design means that the socio-economic diversity in terms of learning ability, teaching skills among teachers and students is disregarded. This has been in force since the passing of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act (2002) by President George Bush administration. This has seen teachers concentrate on tests which fail to capture other important aspects of learning among students’ hence poor math and language skills mastery progress. It is therefore evident that while Education in Finland is managed from national platform, the United States has left education management in the
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Financial Performance Interpretation. Stilsim Essay
Financial Performance Interpretation. Stilsim - Essay Example With the help of ratios, many aspects of the business can be quantified that facilitate accurate comparisons. The ratios of Stilsim can be compared the three offices with each other and depict the standing of the company. FINDINGS ANALYSIS & COMPARISON TO COMPETITOR One of the major problems that are facing the company is their lack of agility and adaptability to the changes in technology. Although the company has been making profits since it was established, we have seen in the SWOT analysis that it recently, they are not doing well due to their inability to keep track of the upgrades and keep their systems up to date. Below a table 1 that compares Stilsim to Cross Country Healthcare which is a key competitor. IMPLICATIONS The comparison with Cross Country Healthcare elaborates that at this point in time, the performance of Stilsim is at reasonable level. While the comparison of the three offices indicates that the problem lies with one of the office locations. We can conclude with this analysis that the since the company has been in the market for two and a half decades and has managed to gather considerable experience, it should be making more profits than it is making currently. Moreover, it should try to resolve the issues that are hindering the performance where the company is spending more than the returns. SHORT-TERM ISSUES With the help of the SWOT analysis and the financial ratios of the company, the performance the Capital City Office, which is the main office of the company, has been detrimental. The loss that is incurred by this part of the company has an impact on the overall performance. Moreover, with the increase in spending, there is less return that the company is getting. This shows that as the expenses are increasing, there is not an increase in the profits. Although, this may not be a significant issue in the short term but in the long haul this could cause a bottleneck situation for the company. LONG-TERM STRATEGIES Due to the increase in competition, Stilsim would have to rectify the issues at hand to be able to keep up in the market. There is a dire need to maintain a competitive edge in the market that is now attracting many new entrants. In the long haul, Stilsim should implement strategies to drive down costs and increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the orga nization and its counterparts. The competitive edge can be created through lower
Monday, September 23, 2019
Immunization and Antibody Production Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Immunization and Antibody Production - Assignment Example In encountering the antigen, the body can only do so through natural situations or artificial. In the natural situation, we consider attack by antigen of specific ailment such as small pox. The antigen will cause clinical symptoms and the body will react by producing antibodies against the small pox. In the artificial antibody production, not the virulent form of the antigen are used but those that are killed or attenuated and have no ability to caused clinical symptoms unless one is immune compromised (Goldsby 2005). Antibody Formation There is no difference whether antibodies are naturally produced or artificially produced, there will only be difference in the antigen part, this is because that antigen of the natural simulation are real and do cause clinical symptoms. Those of artificial stimulation are not able to cause clinical symptoms since they do nit have the virulent parts but structurally resembles the real antigen. Given the fact that antibodies are simply modified globuli n, their formation is closely relate to that which involves globulin formation (Goldsby 2005). The first step involves the antigen being held at the site where antibodies are being produced and synthesis of the antibody will be initiated around the site where antigen molecule is found.... In the contrary, if the forces between the ends of the chain and that to the antigen are weak, it will necessitate the release of one end of the antibody from the antigen since it will dissociate (Lydyard and Whelan 2011). The dissociation of one end of the chain from the antigen will make the centre of the chain to coil forming a more stable configuration that will results in to a complete antibody. The eventual process is the dissociation of the antibody from the antigen and floats away as a free antibody. Once the antibody has been formed, it is memorized into the body and in case of second attack with the same antigen; there will be numerous production of the antibody that always leads to faster clearance of the antigen hence faster recovery from the antigenic attack. 2. Evaluate the effects of mass immunization programmers Immunization is the introduction of attenuated or killed antigens into the body of healthy persons such that the body can be triggered to produce in response, antibodies that will combat live antigens of the same nature in future. Vaccines are very specific and when one is immunized a gains a certain disease; they only become protected against that disease and not any other. Immunization can be active or passive depending on the nature of the antigen that are used to make the body respond through antibody production (Plotkin 2006). Immunization is therefore scheduled when there s an outbreak of a disease in the offing. Mass immunization is therefore an immunization program that is intended for a large number of people within one or several places in relatively short time. Mass immunization is therefore able to provide control for contagious diseases that are envisaged
Sunday, September 22, 2019
THE CORRELATION BETWEEN ACADEMIC PERSISTENCE AND DEMOGRAPHICAL OUTCOMES IN POST SECONDARY ACCELERATED ADULT EDUCATION STUDIES - Dissertation Example The presence of high attrition within these institutions that offer adult education along with the pressures of accountability are also very high (Hubble, 2000). Previous research shows that most of the adults who withdraw usually do so when they have accomplished their goals or when they want to join other programs that would suit them more. They also indicate that most of the adults who drop out of school usually return when their situations are altered creating a cycle where they drop out and return severally (Skilton-Sylvester, 2002). The process of utilizing class or lecture attendances as the major measurement of persistence actually undervalues other effective activities in learning that should otherwise be encouraged. This includes learning activities like personal studies along with distance learning (Ziegler, Bain, Bell & Brian, 2003). According to Comings (2008), persistence is the period that adults stay in education programs while engaging in personalized studies when fo rced by circumstances to withdraw from attending classes or lecture lessons. He additionally stated that the adult students should return to attending the lectures when their lives demand so. Previous surveys carried out on adult students in the United States indicate that, the adults who have previously been involved in vocational trainings, self-studies and other forms of education were more likely to have academic persistence than those who had not (Rudy, 2003). They also indicate that adult students who have specific needs are more likely to persist than adults attending these institutions but with no specific goals. The institutions proving adult education programs should provide more learning options such as distance learning to those adult students who are no longer willing to join classes or attend lectures (Hubble, 2000). Adults can be engaged in better understanding while managing the forces that advance or affect their learning activities through perspective that is learn er centered so as to effectively support their persistence (Ziegler & Durant, 2007). There are several factors that have been identified as affecting the adult students’ academic persistence. These factors have been identified as ranging from different situations, institutions, dispositions, demographic factors along with emotional or relational forces (Ziegler, Bain, Bell & Brian, 2003). The situational problems that affect an adults persistence in education include problems associated with their employments, finances, the support of their children, families, transport and health issues along with abuses from their fellow learning mates (Reder & Strawn, 2001). The institutional forces that hinder the adults from persisting in education programs include the level or contents of the program, its location and attendance or reentry guidelines that are utilized in the institution (Hubble, 2000). On the other hand, the adult students may be prevented from excelling in their chosen fields by the attitudes they have developed towards the studies, their self-efficacies, resilience’s along with failure attributions (Long, 2001). Finally, the adult student’s academic persistence may be affected by demographic and emotionally related forces. The demographic forces include age, sex and their diverse cultures whereas the emotional forces include the community support they are accorded, encouragements along with the care
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Traditional pastoral counseling Essay Example for Free
Traditional pastoral counseling Essay A final area of church support in the secular arena is that of traditional pastoral counseling. This counseling area, usually conducted in private and based in personal trust relationships between the church’s pastor and the congregants, includes ministry for life events. Bereavement counseling, marriage counseling (both pre-marriage counseling and counseling for relationship difficulties), career counseling and one-on-one discussion about difficulties such as substance abuse and physical or mental health are all appropriate and common areas of support for the church pastor. Moore discusses the appropriateness of pastoral counseling in the area of bereavement support. Her justification of the pastor in bereavement support is simple. The clergy holds a distinct advantage over professional health counselors because parishioners are more likely to contact their pastor when faced with bereavement and grieving. Spiritual counseling is part of the clergy’s responsibility to the congregation, for which, there is neither cost nor stigma attached. Moreover the relationship is based on trust. Typically, parishioners do not seek the services of other professionals concerning issues of death, illness and emotional adjustment, if they believe the spiritual counseling they have received has helped them (Moore, 48). In other words, the area of bereavement counseling is an area where the most natural and comfortable place for provision is within the church, with the pastor. African Americans have a unique view of death and dying which makes treatment of these issues within the church, the most central of Black institutions, appropriate. Moore summarizes African-American beliefs and responses to death and bereavement: African-Americans are more accepting and less fearful of death than other American ethnic groups; the view of death is often reflected in African-American visual and musical arts as well as poetry; and the continued exposure of African-Americans to higher death rates, both from natural causes and from violence, significantly strengthens the belief in the afterlife (Moore, 50). The Black church has particular rituals and forms of worship which deal with death and dying, which make the church the best place to deal with grief and bereavement counseling within the community, rather than the formal mental health care system which may be preferred by those who do not belong with a church (Moore, 56). LITERATURE REVIEW CONCLUSION A review of the extant literature on the impact of the Black church on its congregant’s secular lives reveals a range of formal programs, informal processes, traditions and practices, which spring from within the community and come from outside, which are limited to the congregants or offered community-wide, which touch all aspects of the Black church member’s life. Historically, the Black church has been pressed into service as a care provider for a marginalized and underserved population; if the church did not provide medical care, mental health support, economic self-support and learning and literacy programs, no one would. Today, Black churches continue to offer these services, either on their own or through collaboration with public and private foundations, research groups and other helpers. These programs are often more successful than those offered outside the church, because of the perception by church goers that the providers understand their needs and feel an affinity for their history and a sensitivity for their cultural norms. The Black church also serves as an extended family to its members, strengthening the Black community as a whole and offering a shield against the onslaught of historical disadvantages, racism and the problems caused by low socioeconomic status. It serves as an assistant to parents, offering youth programs that range from helping teen parents to helping children get into and attend college. The literature shows that the Black church is, overall, very responsive to the secular needs of its members as well as the spiritual.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Demand And Globalisation Of Human Trafficking
Demand And Globalisation Of Human Trafficking This essay will analyse the concept and practice of human trafficking, focusing particularly on the way in which the local issues have attributed to globalisation of human trafficking, and the influence of western societies on human trafficking. It will further analyse the harms and violence associated with the trafficking, as well as powers that state bodies have on control and prevention of human trafficking. Human trafficking is not a new phenomenon, however it has in the recent 20 years attracted more media attention. Horrific tales of brutality, exploitation and abuse of young women trafficked into prostitution has led to many authors and academics writing vastly about the subject. These reports and articles have brought to light not only the extent of human trafficking, but have also identified reasons behind this crime and methods of possible prevention from such crime occurring. Human trafficking needs to be differentiated from smuggling. The two notions are more than often linked and referred to as one and the same. The main difference between the two concepts lies in the fact that smuggling rarely includes the use of force or abuse and once the migrant has been smuggled into the destination country, they are free to continue with the settlement in the new country. Trafficked people, however, do not have that freedom. Human trafficking has often been referred to as a modern day slavery and in many aspects it retains many elements associated with slavery. Difficulty with distinguishing between human trafficking and smuggling highlights the additional harm that victims of trafficking may experience when attempting to get assistance from police authorities and governments of destination countries. In Human Trafficking: Sketchy data and policy responses (2008) Goodey argues that smuggling becomes trafficking once a person who is being smuggled experiences exploitation at any point from recruitment through to arrival at their destination (2008, p. 422). Goodey further argues that in reality it is difficult to distinguish between smuggling and trafficking mainly because smugglers could be seen as exploiting willing migrants by requiring them to pay extortionate fees in order to facilitate their migration. These fees often become extremely high interest loans, which need to be repaid by the migrant in a very short period. However, when such fees have been repaid, the migrant is free to continue with his life. In a Home Office report Stopping Traffic: exploring the extent of, and response to, trafficking in women for sexual exploitation in the UK (2000) Kelly and Regan further explain that an element of freedom exists as a distinguishing factor between trafficking and smuggling. Kelly and Regan continue to explain that trafficked women are under the control of their traffickers and are treated as part of transaction. Traffickers will unavoidably incur expenses for the travel, falsifying documents and bribery, among other expenses, in order to facilitate the process of trafficking, and will in turn impose that debt on to the victim, requiring her to pay it off through prostitution. It has been suggested that globalisation has had a massive impact on the increase of human trafficking in the recent years. Lack of economic opportunities for women in post-communist countries has been suggested as one of the main factors in increase of human trafficking. Desperation and poverty faced by young women is seen as a mitigating reason behind the question of why so many women are willing to migrate. Methods of recruitment used by traffickers vary, but most commonly involve friends, family or partners of trafficked victims. Recruitment can also take place through an agency, advertising for jobs abroad, however, these are false job opportunities. Internet has also become a vital tool in recruitment of victims. Berman, in her article (Un)Popular strangers and crises (un)bounded: discourses of sex-trafficking, the European political community and the panicked state of the modern state (2003), argues that the evolvement of the societies, both economical and social evolvement, have a direct impact on human trafficking and the globalisation of this crime. In this article, Berman sets out arguments to support her notion of human trafficking as globalised and gendered crime. However in her work the separate concepts of human trafficking and smuggling are often referred to as one concept, which in turn can create greater harm for trafficked victims, as they are considered no more than illegal immigrants. She analyses the reasons behind globalisation and an impact economic and social globalisation have had on human trafficking. It is evident that local issues become globalised where lack of available employment or opportunity for young women is available. These women will then be easily persuaded, with the false promise of a better life abroad, to agree to migration, not knowing the reality of what is ahead of them. Recruitment process is therefore cleverly designed to ensure that the recruiters are usually people they know, relatives or anyone they might trust, and because this is the case, the reality of their future is even more disturbing. Shelleys work Human Trafficking as a Form of Transnational Crime (2007) argues that the modern technology has facilitated for an easier and faster communication within the globalised world, and has therefore had a major impact on the organised crime. Shelley further argues that in the countries of former USSR, hundreds of thousands of websites exist promoting brides and sexual services, and in Europe, websites promote sex tourism, particularly in Latin America and Asia (Shelley, 2007, p. 119). Goodey (Human Trafficking: Sketchy data and policy responses, 2008) analyses the reasons why migration and trafficking in particular can carry on even where the prevention techniques, such as public awareness of such crime, have been implemented. She finds evidence in the fact that a prosperous sex industry exists and so does the demand for women and girls. Traffickers recognise the demand for such services and therefore ensure that there is a regular supply of women. Goody further argues that membership of new countries in the EU, in particular the eastern European and post-communist countries, which were in the past recognised as countries of origins for sex trafficking, has facilitated an easier method of trafficking. Harm and violence of human trafficking is more than just physical abuse by traffickers and their owners. Harm and violence often extend after the period of abuse had ended. It extends even at the police station where authorities seem to be more concerned with removal of illegal immigrants rather than assisting the victims of trafficking. Difficulty with recognising the victims of trafficking lies in the fact that even victims themselves do not necessarily know what has happened to them has in fact made them such victim. Fear of prosecution and deportation, i.e. being labelled as a criminal, makes it even harder for the victims to come forward and identify themselves as victims. Furthermore, fear over lack of prosecution of the traffickers themselves further paralyses the whole criminal justice system. Women are encouraged to assist with prosecution in order to be able to stay in the country, however such assistance does not necessarily extend after the prosecution period and it certa inly does not extend to their families who are still in the origin country. Shelley (Human Trafficking as a Form of Transnational Crime, 2007) explores the methods used by traffickers in order to ascertain control over the victims once the recruitment and detention process has been achieved. She argues that the traffickers are rarely caught or successfully prosecuted mainly due to the lack of support for victims of trafficking. Bermans work (Un)Popular strangers and crises (un)bounded: discourses of sex-trafficking, the European political community and the panicked state of the modern state (2003) further argues that protection of victims is limited and that the pressure put on victims to further jeopardise both their lives and the lives of their loved ones is immense. The lack of adequate protection means that many traffickers go unpunished, while the real victims are themselves treated as illegal criminals. The greatest harm, however, is the violation of human rights of each trafficked woman. It has been shown that trafficked women who are sold off to different owners are subject to much greater abuse. The abuse suffered by trafficked women is coupled with the fear their traffickers impose on them. Threatening their lives and the lives of the loved ones are the methods used by traffickers to ensure that the victims of trafficking remain in their control and do as they are told. Power is vested within the governments and governmental authorities, however it could be said that traffickers themselves have great power as well. In order to be able to traffic such large numbers of women, men and children, requires great organisation and even greater connections with border controls, as well as authorities that seem to be corruptible. In Stopping Traffic? (2006), Munro analyses counter trafficking proposals set out in different countries and how each country, using different legislative approaches, attempts to prevent human trafficking. Her analysis highlights the problems faced by each country, as cooperation is not necessarily in place between the countries. Although, her research is based on the workings of the individual countries, her findings are supporting the issues arising out of globalisation of human trafficking, and more importantly, they look into the questions on how such crimes can still be carried out in the 21st Century. Through analysis of the systems adopted by different countries, Munro attempts to establish whether such systems have contributed towards the reduction of human trafficking within those countries. She highlights the problems faced by each country and her findings are directly linked to the issues of globalisation. By looking at Australia, Italy, Sweden and Netherlands, Munro highlights the differences each country has made in combating the crime of human trafficking. Australia toughened its laws on human trafficking by creating an offence whereby claiming ownership over another person is punishable by up to 25 years imprisonment. It further created offences including causing a person to enter or remain in sexual servitude, or inducing a person to provide sexual services through deception (Munro, 2006, p. 319). Italy seems to have been influenced by a more humanitarian impulse (Munro, 2006, p. 319). In Italy access to help is provided to all victims regardless of whether they want to take part in identifying and giving evidence against their traffickers. Netherlands, on the other hand, requires victims to cooperate in judicial investigation. In return for such cooperation, victims are given a temporary residence. Once the temporary residence has come to an end, victims will be asked to leave the country, unless they can show that there are exceptional circumstances. Sweden has created legislation that criminalises the purchase (but not the sale) of sexual services (Munro, 2006, p. 320), and therefore became the first country to outlaw sex purchasing, and not selling. The Swedish model, as it is also known as, has been subject to criticism. Among critics are also Swedish sex workers who claim that no consultation with them had taken place prior to the legislation being enacted. The lack of consultation has meant that they are now more reluctant to ask the police for any help or assistance. It has been reported that there are now more women being trafficked across the border to Norway, and it would seem that there are now more Swedish men frequenting Norway in order to purchase sex. This illustrates how curtailing supply and demand in one country creates a new market where supply and demand can continue to flourish. Goodey, (Human Trafficking: Sketchy data and policy responses, 2008) further analyses the prevention and reduction process of human trafficking by considering international policies and legal understandings of trafficking. She argues that such policies have been unsuccessful and as a result human trafficking is on the rise. In her article, Goodey analyses different approaches to the issues surrounding human trafficking with the aim of determining the victims position within the state. She concludes that human trafficking, or rather, sex trafficking in particular, is nowadays considered to be a labour issue, therefore trafficked women may not necessarily be seen as victims. Doezma in her work Now You See Her, Now You Dont: Sex Workers at the UN Trafficking Protocol Negotiation (2005), argues that anti-trafficking measures are more often used against the victims, rather than against the traffickers. She further highlights the problems by listing different views of prostitution, which in turn digresses from the real issues relating to harm and violence associated with human trafficking. She recognises that historically, anti-trafficking measures have been used against sex workers themselves, rather than against traffickers' (Doezma, 2005, p. 62). There seem to be two divided views of prostitution. Coalition Against Trafficking in Women argues that prostitution is a form of sexual violence which can never be consented to or chosen as a profession. (Doezma, 2005, p. 67) On the other hand Global Alliance Against Trafficking in Women considers prostitution as a chosen profession. They argue that prostitution as a chosen profession should be distinguished from trafficking, which is characterised by the use of force during the migration process and/or the consequent labour or services (Doezma, 2005, p. 68). Kelly and Regans report Stopping Traffic: exploring the extent of, and response to, trafficking in women for sexual exploitation in the UK (2000), provide an in-depth research into the working of the policing services in their attempts to protect and better understand the victims of human trafficking, as well as to prevent the crime from being carried out. The authors findings are based on the research carried out in the United Kingdom and therefore this report does not necessarily represent the global impact of human trafficking. However, the report does reflect many misconceptions relating to the victims of human trafficking, which are arguably also present across other states. This report further recognises that women are trafficked into those countries where the demand for sex trade is greater due to existing sex industries. Trafficking is an ongoing process, whereby women are trafficked through one or more transit countries, where they are also made to work or sold to other traffickers. The final destination is unknown to the trafficked woman. Kelly and Regan argue that it is clear that traffickers understand and are aware of the local and international politics and are therefore focused on targeting specific groups of women who have been identified as those affected by economic and social situation of a particular country. It is therefore not surprising to find that most of trafficked women are from countries distraught by wars and conflicts. The House of Commons, Home Affairs Committee (2009), The Trade in Human Beings: Human Trafficking in the UK, Sixth Report of Session 2008-09, Vol. 1, HC 23-I, (accessed 15 January 2010) report provides an in-depth research of both attempted quantification of human trafficking and proposed steps necessary to ensure protection of victims. It provides guidance on the issues relating to methods used by traffickers to recruit their victims, as well as guidance on prevention of human trafficking and increasing public awareness. It further considers the impact of supply and demand of sex workers, and whether legislating prostitution could in any form contribute to prevention of human trafficking by reducing the demand for sex trafficking. The report concludes by setting out the current position of the United Kingdom in the fight against human trafficking and by highlighting the important work carried out by both governmental and non-governmental bodies, both nationally and internationally. The report establishes that police forces should be provided with a more specific training that could assist them in recognising that even domestic workers could be victims of trafficking. Specific training should highlight the importance of recognising trafficking traits, such as confiscation of documents. Increasing public awareness has been recognised as one of the ways of preventing trafficking. Increasing awareness should also include educating not only general public, but also public officials, of signs of trafficking as well as to provide information on appropriate channels the assistance should be available to the victims of trafficking. Difficulty in globalising the prevention on trafficking, and finding a globalised method that is universally accepted and adhered to, lies in the fact that not all EU member states have taken adequate steps in combating trafficking. This report emphasises that mere enactment of legislation is not adequate prevention tool, if there is no strict enforcement of such laws. In conclusion, it is clear that human trafficking is a growing global issue. The reasons for the increase in human trafficking over the last 20 years has been down to the structural changing or globalising of the international economy and the increasingly deepening gap between the richer western and poorer eastern European countries. Women from post-communist countries have in particular been targeted by the traffickers, as the lack of economic opportunities in these countries has encouraged women to look for employment elsewhere. The risks faced by the traffickers are outweighed by the financial rewards human trafficking provides. Women, seen as commodities, can be sold repeatedly, therefore accumulating more regular profit for a trafficker than a narcotics dealer, who can only sell narcotics once. The rarity of successful prosecution against traffickers could be seen as an encouragement for traffickers to continue with their business, and even in cases of successful prosecution, th e penalties are not as harsh as for the narcotics dealer. Although the trafficking has become a global issue, the lack of unity on workable preventative methods means that legal controls are only applicable in a particular country and they do not extend universally over the other countries. Organised crime groups work on a transnational level and are aware of the limits each state has on the enforcement of their laws on combating human trafficking. All of the articles and reports present a horrifying truth that goes beyond the statistics and explores the grim realities of human trafficking. Human trafficking is possibly the greatest violation of human rights and a great deal more needs to be done to combat this activity and to prevent and protect any future victims. Clear definition and separation of concepts of human trafficking from smuggling would need to be universally accepted as this would ensure that the true victims of human trafficking are identified. Furthermore, tougher punishments on traffickers coupled with proper and thorough enforcement of legislation preventing trafficking could ensure that trafficking is curtailed to a certain extent by increasing the risks for traffickers. Funding and adequate support for victims of trafficking might also provide a better system whereby trafficked victims are not labelled as illegal immigrants and deported back to their origin countries without any support. Such system might a lso encourage trafficked victims to proceed with the prosecution of traffickers, however not as a condition for their settlement in that country. Word count: 3131
Thursday, September 19, 2019
What Is An American Essay -- Definition Essys Expository Papers
Since this great country was first established many intuitive minds have tried to answer the question; "What is an American". This country is full of individuals of many backgrounds, and diversities and each person has a different opinion on this question. In my opinion, an American is someone who values freedom and equality and pursues the "American dream." Every American exercises these rights and these are great adjectives to describe our country. Each of the seven readings, and the one image I compiled help mold this broader definition into a more precise description of an American. Robert Creeley, an influential American writer and poet, lived the ideal American dream. He wrote about his struggles early in his life. He lost his father at an early age and went away to school at the age of fourteen. He overcame all adversity to work hard for a living and, in return, live the American dream. He also wrote that the United States is a place where all people want to go because it offers a chance at renewal and making their lives better (Creeley). This, in its essence, is the American Dream; A happy and successful life to which all may aspire. My image represents this through the picture of the big house and the expensive car. Thomas Jefferson, one of the founding fathers of America, in a letter to John Adams, wrote about the benefits of America. He wrote about people coming to America and pursuing any profession they wanted and they were protected by the law (Jefferson). At that time this was the American dream; hard work could lead to a better life. This led to having enough earnings to support a family and it transformed into something totally different. Henry James, a European, around the same time criticized this id... ...ction. Works Cited Adams, John. The Adams-Jefferson Letters: The Complete Correspondence Between Thomas Jefferson and Abigail and John Adams. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1988. Alvarez, Julia. The Woman I Kept to Myself. Algonquin Books, 2004. Creely, Robert. The Collected Essays of Robert Creely. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1989. Hughes, Langston. The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes. Vintage, 1995. James, Henry. Works of Henry James. Including The Portrait of a Lady, The Turn of the Screw, The Ambassadors, The Bostonians, The Europeans, The Wings of the Dove. MobileReference, 2009. Mayers, Florence. A Russian ABC: Featuring Masterpieces from the Hermitage, St. Petersburg (Mayers, Florence Cassen. ABC.). ABRAMS, 1992. Nye, Naomi. Fuel: Poems by Naomi Shihab Nye. BOA Editions Ltd., 1998.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Metamorphosis Essay -- English Literature
Metamorphosis In the short story, Metamorphosis, the narrator describes Gregor’s new life as an insect. He then goes on to describe Gregor’s sister, Grete, with a reflection of Gregor’s opinion in the description. Kafka employs a number of stylistic devices including descriptive imagery, metaphors, and symbolism in the passage to describe the situation. While these devices on their own just provide a more complex method of painting the situation, the way they are assembled in the passage serves to depict a comparison of power between Gregor and Grete. The creation of such a multifaceted evaluation further increases the reader’s sympathy towards Gregor’s situation. Firstly, Gregor is characterized with many literary descriptors. â€Å"Sense of freedom†is the first occurrence of relevant descriptive imagery. The freedom is what he used to posses before the metamorphosis, however he no longer has liberty outside his room. That is where the second image of â€Å"looking out†the window comes into play. The looking out symbolizes Gregor’s reflection on the liberties he used to posses when he could leave his room, and of the outdoors, there by limiting his experiences. This is supported with the imagery of his vision weakening. The imagery reflects a tone of pessimism, in that Gregor is loosing hope for a recovery. All the imagery serves to sympathies with Gregor because his situation is depicted as bleak. The symbol of Gregor’s knowledge is his vision, which is the primary medium for humans gain knowledge. With his sight diminishing, he is no longer able to discover as much as would be able to normally and even starting to disbelieve his previous knowledge. This is mentioned when he said that if he had not known ... ...nd blended indistinguishably into each other. His quick witted sister only needed to observe twice that the armchair stood by the window; after that, whenever she had tidied the room, she always pushed the chair back to the same place at the window and even left the inner casements open. If he could have spoken to her and thanked her for all she had to do for him, he could have more her ministrations better; as it was, they oppressed him. She certainly tried to make light as possible of whatever was disagreeable in her task, and as time went on he succeeded, of course, more and more, but time bought more enlightenment to Gregor too. The very way she came in distressed him. Hardly was she in the room when she rushed to the window, without even taking time to shut the door, carefully as she was usually to shield the sight of Gregor’s room from the others.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Reaching Understanding through Non-Verbal Communication in Timothy Find
Reaching Understanding through Non-Verbal Communication in Timothy Findley’s â€Å"War†and â€Å"About Effie†The two stories â€Å"War†and â€Å"About Effie†from Timothy Findley’s Dinner Along the Amazon are both told by the same child narrator, Neil. In each of the stories Neil attempts to make sense of a mystery of the adult world. In â€Å"War†Neil tries to understand the adult world of war, and explain why it seems that his father has betrayed him, and in â€Å"About Effie†Neil tries to understand the mystery of Effie’s strange need to wait for a man in a thunderstorm. Neil reaches an understanding of each of these mysteries in a similar way: through observation of non-verbal clues from adults. However, Neil’s own attempts to communicate non-verbally through his behaviour are unsuccessful. Taken as a whole, these two stories show how very important non-verbal communication is in child-adult relationships. In â€Å"About Effie†Neil’s most significant impression of Effie is created when she looks at him. Neil tells how when he first meets the new maid, she looks at him with such meaning that it scares him: â€Å". . .the way you’ll know her is this: she’ll look at you as if she thought you were someone she was waiting for, and it will probably scare you. It did me†(82). Neil describes the first time he meets Effie in terms of the way they look at each other, saying â€Å"The first time I saw her, she saw me first†(82). Neil is shocked by this new maid, not only because she gives him such a profound look, but also because she bursts into tears upon seeing him. Neil tries to make sense of why Effie would become so emotional upon seeing him, and tries to discover more about this mysterious person for whom she is waiting... ...her captures both Neil’s naivete at the time and the sadness of his father’s war obligation. Through looking at this photograph Neil realizes and accepts that the incident was truly not his father’s fault. The non-verbal image contained in the photograph provides the key to Neil’s understanding. In â€Å"War†Neil’s attempts to communicate non-verbally through his behaviour are ineffective. However, in both stories Neil reaches understanding through powers of observation, even when the adults are unable to communicate through words. In reaching understanding, Neil takes a step towards adulthood himself. Through the process of looking at Effie’s smiles and looking at his father’s wounded face in the photograph, Neil is able to decode the mystery of their actions. Works Cited Findley, Timothy. Dinner Along the Amazon. Toronto: Penguin Books, 1996.
Notes on the Battle of El Mozote
In December 1981 soldiers of the Salvadoran Army's select, American-trained Atlacatl Battalion entered the village of El Mozote, where they murdered hundreds of men, women, and children, often by decapitation. Although reports of the massacre  and photographs of its victims  appeared in the United States, the Reagan administration quickly dismissed them as propaganda. In the end, El Mozote was forgotten. The war in El Salvador continued, with American funding. When Mark Danner's reconstruction of these events first appeared in The New Yorker, it sent shock waves through the news media and the American foreign-policy establishment.Now Danner has expanded his report into a brilliant book, adding new material as well as the actual sources. He has produced a masterpiece of scrupulous investigative journalism that is also a testament to the forgotten victims of a neglected theater of the cold war The massacre at El Mozote is a book about all the horrible series of events t hat occurred at El Mozote. When one looks at the massacre, it is obvious the United States aided in these events. The United States government chose turn its eye and pretended as if nothing happened. This book introduces one to the events in El Salvador in 1981.The author gives a reconstruction of the events and shows it importance. The massacre is not to be forgotten. Mark Danner uses many specific examples to link the United States with the massacre. The United States supported a friendly regime at this time during the cold war. Danner mentions large shipments of munitions from the United States arriving at Ilopango Airport. He tells us the United States helped to reform the army so that they would not lose to the rebel cause. One can see the United States help in aiding the military figures. General Fred F.Woerner had been sent from the pentagon to assess the Salvadorian war. One thing he mentions repeatedly is the reluctance of United States aid money. He mentions the elite trai ned Aclactl Battalion, and that their American trainers had perhaps instilled their aggressiveness. He mentions that the Americans loved Monterrosa and that the Americans were desperate to finish the war. As an example Danner says, â€Å"The Americans had stepped forward to fund the war, but were unwilling to fight it†He mentions the aid of a CIA officer who claims that the largest fighting was taking place at ElMozote. This leads us to America actually acknowledging that something might have been happening at El Mozote. Reagan signed a bill called the foreign assistance act of 1961 that was to certify that the government was taking adequate steps to recognize the human rights of the people of their country before aiding them. The U. S State Department urged diplomats to undertake â€Å"a grit your teeth†approach to The Massacre at El Mozote? Mark Danner's book, â€Å"The Massacre at El Mozote: A Parable of the Cold War†tells the story of a massacre of men, w omen, and children in El Salvador.The massacre at El Mozote was not discovered until years after it occurred, and the government attempted to play it down until the truth came out. The author is attempting to show that the political cover-up that occurred after what happened at El Mozote became known is a â€Å"parable†or tale of the Cold War, because it indicates the power of large governments to cover up information they did not want the people to know or understand, while â€Å"undermining†Communism around the world. The massacre is also a parable of power, and how power can corrupt and kill.That the troops were trained by Americans is another element of the parable, and it shows how corrupt even the â€Å"best†intentions can be. The author shows that the situation was tragic and could have been avoided, but it was also ignored and played down, something that seems especially repugnant since so many of the victims were innocent women and children, who pose d little real threat to the troops By Danner's account, the next morning the soldiers must have reassembled all of the village's inhabitants and then proceeded to separate men, women and children.Once seperated, the groups were locked into the church, the convent, and some of the houses. Fomr this point forward, the soldiers interrogated, tortured, and began executing the villages men. By noon the the soldiers took the women from the children and commnecnced shooting them with machine-guns. Unbelievably, they then killed the children? â€Å"There was one in particular the soldiers talked about†¦ a girl on La Cruz whom they had raped many times during the course of the afternoon, and through it all, while the other women of El Mozote had screamed and cried as if they had never had a man, this girl had sung hymns, strange evangelical songs, nd she had kept right on singing, too, even after they had done what had to be done, and shot her in the chest. She had lain there on La Cru z with the blood flowing from her chest, and had kept on singing  a bit weaker than before, but still singing. And the soldiers, stupefied, had watched and pointed. Then they had grown tired The Massacre at El Mozote as told by Mark Danner takes place El Salvador. El Salvador is the smallest country in Central America. It shares borders with Guatemala and Honduras.El Salvador is divided into 14 departments and El Mozote is a village in one of the Departments called Morazan. According to the author, the Salvadoran Civil War 1979-1992 was a conflict waged by the Military led Government of El Salvador and coalition of left-leaning militias or guerillas called the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN). The FMLN was supported by peasants and indigenous Indian people. The United States supported the El Salvador Military government. The tensions between the classes, the halves and the halve-nots are therefore represented by the two warring factions.The harrowing events i n Mark Danner’s Massacre at El Mozote investigates and questions three central issues; the Massacre, the role of American Policies in the region during the Cold War and the executive cover-up of the events as Propaganda. One of the concerns is what responsibility (if any) did the U. S. government have for the massacre at El Mozote? El Mozote was â€Å"uniquely†different from most villages because it had resisted the Liberation Theology taught by left-leaning Catholic Priests and according to the author was â€Å"as as stronghold of the Protestant evangelical movement†(pg 19) .The villagers of El Mozote had their own chapel and referred themselves as born-again Christians and as Danner states were known for â€Å"their anti-communism†(pg 19). The villagers of El Mozote did not support the guerillas. According to Danner the Massacre at El Mozote takes place when American trained Salvadoran Armed forces called the Atlacatl Batallion arrived at the village and began systematically killing men, women and children by various means such as torturing, hangings, decapitation, and shooting. The U. S government was responsible for the massacre at El Mozote for a plethora of reasons. First, The Reagan
Monday, September 16, 2019
Interpersonal skills are the life skill Essay
Interpersonal skills are the life skills all the human-being used every day to contact and interface with others, both separately and in groups. People who have worked on growing strong interpersonal skills are normally more successful in their masterly and personal live. Good interpersonal skills allow us to participate effectively as a member of a team. Moreover, employability skills can be defined as the transferable skills needed by a personal. Beside with good practical understanding and issue knowledge, employers often summarize a set of skills that they want from an employee. According to Cotton (2001), he said employers want employees to possess employability skills; that employers value generic employability skills over specific occupational (technical) skills; and that employers consider many entry?level job applications to lack the required employability skills and express deep concerns regarding this deficiency. It is a fair conclusion then that those skills bracketed wit hin the term â€Å"employability skills†are fast becoming a requirement for employment rather than desirable, and that employers see the responsibility for the development of such skills lying with educational institutions. According to the personal strength survey results, I am a committed and responsible teammate, I always do my own part well, and I will contribute for the success of my group work. Moreover, I never give up anything halfway. I will nonetheless of what I do, I commence it with anticipation and vitality. Additionally, I will not get disturbed when I work, and I take happiness in completing tasks. I work hard to finish what I begin. No matter what project I get, I will submit my work in time. Uniquely, I usually offer the people who make wrong a second chance and I forgive those who done me wrong. For me, my personal principle is be mercy not revenge to others. Furthermore, I do a great job organizing activities and supervise that what they work. I will stay harmony within the group by making everyone feel themselves is the one of the significant and encouraging a group to get the tasks done. Besides that, the people who feel most close to me are the same people to whom I feel most close . In particular those in which caring and sharing are reciprocated. As well, my family members and my friends understand that I am an appreciative person because I usually demonstrate my thanks to them. I am aware of the great things that happen at me, and I never take them as allowed. Comparatively, I am an honest person, whether by telling the truth or by living my life in an authentic and true way. I am down to this world and without dissimulation. Likewise, my attitude aspect my actions and are an origin of repose to me. I also have reasonable and strong attitude about the higher motivation and meaning of the circle. In contrast, I am not a creativity person, I could not find something new and more creative when presenting something. I will improve my creativity by read the magazines, trade journals, and other literature in my field to make sure I am not outdated. Other than that, I must gain creative as my hobbies. Hobbies can also help me to relax. An active mind is necessary for creative growth. Furthermore, I am weak on making judgement. Sometimes I cannot make a decision when facing problem. Although I know that is an important thing, but I am not able to change my mind. I have to solve this weakness from myself, I have to truly believe I have the authority and power to turn our judgement and decision history around. Based on the employability skills survey results, one of my powerful employability skills is negotiating and persuading. Mainly, I would expanding a line of reasoned disagreement and importance the positive views of my argument. Similarly, I will understanding the needs of the person I am trading with at all the time. This is because we can know more details of the person and what he needs. I also like to challenge the points of view expressed by others. Of course, my co-operating skills is very strong. I can focus on the behaviour which need to be improved and being confident rather than obedient and energetic. Not only I presenting my own plan effectively in a group but also proceed a part of the responsibility in a group. I can giving enthusiastic, useful feedback to others and learning from enthusiastic evaluation. My written communication is one of my weakness. For example, I cannot analysing, gathering and arranging data in a rational section. In the same way, I also cannot succeed my disagreement in a rational way and briefly outline the content. But I will try to improve this weakness by thinking trough in advance what I want to say. Moreover, I will adopting my writing style for different audiences. In my opinion, many people think an occupation for life is no longer a choice nowadays. Most people will hold their career with a diversity of employers and pass across different employment zone through their working life. We all need to be adjustable in our working arrangements and be prepared to change jobs or sectors if we have confident in a better chances. But most of the employer require the employee should work well with other people, including the ability to work co-operatively towards common goals, provide a high level of customer services. Hence, we have to understand our interpersonal and employability skill, so that we can improve our weakness as well. References 1) Cotton, K. (2001), Developing Employability Skills, Northwest Regional Educational Research Laboratory, Portland, OR, available at: (accessed 18November2014).
Sunday, September 15, 2019
The Electronic Cigarette Alternative
We live in a fast-paced world, and with each invention things speed up even more. And here it does it again. An electronic version of anything, from the e-book to the cloud technology, will continue to have rejoinders in the arrival of the e-cigarette. Fancy a drag? Why not try it through a healthier form of smoking in the medium provided by e-cigarettes. E-cigarettes are the latest crazes that were made in a bid to replace tobacco in a world that is becoming more aware about health hazards.The lectronic cigarette resembles the traditional cigarette in appearance but it works its magic by simulating the effect of tobacco once it hits the system. The e-cigarette can very well become the means that one can adopt to help them wean off smoking altogether although research questions remains to be framed and studied regarding how successful or common this optimistic attitude has resonated with smokers or aspiring quitters. However, as an alternative, the e-cigarette is said to be safer tha n real' cigarettes.The concept was formulated by a Chinese pharmacist, Hon Lik, in the period following the new millennium, allowing the continued inhalation of nicotine sans the cons of tobacco smoke. Although the e-cigarette was welcomed by a flurry of bans by different countries around the globe, the openness and inquisitive spirit of research has once again opened the way for real questions to be asked regarding the advantages of switching from ciggies to its electronic version. The e-ciggies are more ser-friendly.The user merely needs to take long drags to release the nicotine from the cartridge. That's the end of traditional lighters for you. Once no longer in use, the atomizer in the cylinder detects a change in air pressure and deactivates. It comes in different flavors so the user can take their pick. It is a safer option for newbie's. Some old timers say that the e-cigarette makes for a poor replacement because they feel that the ‘hit' is missing when they inhale the smoke released into the throat.Maybe it's not even about going away from ‘real' cigarettes. E-cigarettes exist as an option in a market that is driven by its ability to offer buyers with variety. Their pitch stands on the foundation that they are free from over 4000 chemical that are present in traditional fags. Finally, the user will benefit from the product because they will have more disposable income to spend on other products as e-cigarettes are way cheaper than their big brother.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Antigone †Justice Essay
â€Å"Justice is like the kingdom of God; it is not without us as a fact, it is within us as a great yearning. †The notion of justice strongly resonates to what was mentioned in this quote by George Eliot. We all desire to live in a world that is fair and just but it is just beyond human’s aptitude because there are always two sides to every event and there is never complete justice for both. Every individual strive to have justice for various intentions and those in power often exploit the system of justice to mask their wickedness. In this prevailing civilization, there is no doubt that laws are enforced by people at the top of the social hierarchy. People of authority will establish laws that seem to be unbiased and fair in their eyes, believing that this is in the best interest of the country, but in actual fact it is far from that. An example of such a situation is present in the Ancient Greek tragedy, written by Sophocles, â€Å"Antigone†. In the play the decree given out by the new king Creon only served himself as it makes it illegal for Ismene and Antigone to burry and honor the brother, Polynices for the very last time. Creon wanted to have the sense of control over the city of Thebes,thus enforcing the law without contemplating the views of the family members as well as the citizens as it was stated by the chorus saying â€Å"But he that, too rashly daring, walks in sin†. â€Å"I do not defy them; but I cannot act Against the State. I am not strong enough†. Ismene, as much as she wanted to honor the brother, she could not. Creon despite knowing the importance of a formal burial for the Greeks, he chastised Antigone and Ismene for breaking the law. It is hard for leaders to genuinely apprehend the privation of the people them. Thus, laws that are introduced are predominantly to the benefit of those in power. The system of justice allows the majority to create the terms of justice and the ethics of the minorities will usually be treated as less significant, or completely disregarded. This can be seen in many societies with controversial issues. Euthanasia is a good example. The majority in Rusia,United Kingdom and Australia agrees that euthanasia is wrong and laws to punish those who assist others in suicide were instigated . In the case of Terri Schiavo who was a 41-year-old disabled woman in Florida was severely disabled for over 15 years, and been diagnosed as being in a persistent vegetative . Due to the money and status this family had, they were able to carry out euthanasia but there were many cases where people were left to suffer and die naturally because they were underprivileged. Power and money governs the system of the world. Therefore, justice, being a fragment of the system, attends those of influence. In the political realm, authorized professional who are part of the formation of legislations are also those who have the power over the final verdict. The ultimate judgement in a court should be carried out by professionals who are chaste and neutral and not those who are a part of the making of the laws because their mind sets will bound to be influenced and skewed to their own likeness. This was shown in â€Å"Antigone†where the law was essentially created by Creon but he too had the highest power to decide whether Antigone and Ismene was going to punished or to be exonerated. And because Creon was so obsessed with the law that he created he made a very bias move by not looking at this situation from other perspectives but instead said â€Å" Take them, and keep them within- The proper place for women†. If the power of making the final decision was given to other people instead of Creon, Antigone and Ismene’s fate could have been altered. Indeed justice will place those in power as the priority if the people who judge had only one outlook. â€Å"Justice is sweet and musical; but injustice is harsh and discordant†. However, as much as human beings, especially the government aspire to be just and nondiscriminatory, it is impossible, because, justice is never an end to itself. Impartiality and justice is what we hope for but the truth is, nothing can gratify two parties and in most instances, the ones in supremacy will be at the winning end. This is an irrefutable, sad reality that we have no choice but to endure it.
Friday, September 13, 2019
A close textual analysis of Aristotle BOOK 2 chapter 3 Essay
A close textual analysis of Aristotle BOOK 2 chapter 3 - Essay Example The formal cause is â€Å"the account of what the being would be†, its genera and its parts, e.g. number and ration of two to one are causes of an octave. The efficient cause, â€Å"the primary source of the change or staying unchanged†, is â€Å"that which makes something of that which is made†and â€Å"changes something of that which is changed†, e.g. the sculptor, parents, etc. At last the final cause is the end of a thing, i.e. â€Å"what something is for†, e.g. health is the final cause of walking and purging, drugs and surgical instruments (pp.28-29; 194 b 20 – 35). Here it is necessary to dwell upon the nature of causes. Aristotle himself notes that â€Å"many different things are called†and â€Å"can be causes†of the same thing, as well as the same thing can be a cause for many phenomena. First of all, as we try to understand the notion of â€Å"cause†in terms of cause-and-effect position, it becomes wholly unclear how bronze may cause a statue, or whether a table can be caused by wood it is made of. Then as we remember that we read Aristotle in translation from Greek, you realize that the word could perhaps be interpreted by the means of other words. Indeed, the Greek aition has transformed into the present Italian aita (assistant), aiutare (to assist). Thus we understand the cause as something assisting, making another thing. In this case we may say that material assists the emergence of a form, i.e. a form is made out of the material and is impossible without it. The form assists things in fulfilling their functions. It would be difficult to use a shaky table with a vertical top. A carpenter assists the emergence of the table. Due to carpenter’s knowledge and skills of how to make tables this emergence is possible. Finally, it is the functions or purpose of the table which assist in the emergence of this piece of furniture being produced of definite firm materials and of definite form. Such a
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Religion and Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Religion and Education - Essay Example There have been many forms of educational training programs since the colonization era and from that time many changes have been witnessed. It was like in early 16th century when the need to adapt religious learning was felt the most and it was Thomas Jefferson who latter realized that religious education was an important aspect of daily life. At the beginning of the 16th century like in 1647, the Satan Act was passed which was a tax supported structure for educating/ funding the schools. This scheme made the young people read and understand bible. This was done in the colonial America which had other important types of education systems. These were the apprenticeships, dame schools, Latin grammar schools and higher colleges. The old deluder act stated that for towns which had around 50 families had to have a teacher who would make them learn to read and write and for towns which had 100 families had to establish a grammar school for the learners. There were foundations of Latin gram mar schools as well which had teachers that were near to the minister level and these schools practiced strict discipline. Further the point was that rote memorization was a fundamental there which in today’s world is by no chance a factor that can lead to excellence as today the world is more applicative and young people are made to formulate their own themes from the past experiences (Reed, James , and Prevost, 1993).
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Week7 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Week7 - Assignment Example The package, which is a small white box, holds the plastic container at an upright and tight position, preventing it from spilling or crushing due to sudden impact that can occur mostly when the products are being transported. The package represents a beehive and the ridges embossed on it represent planks of wood that are joined together by nails that appear as dots on the box. The box is embossed with the Klein Constantia symbol, which informs consumers that the Knees Bees is a product of Klein Constantia. The bee appearing on the diecut slit on the box invites the consumers to open the package, which also contain images of bees and small diecut bees at the base of the container, which denotes that inside the container is a factual honeycomb. The image of the bee on the outer surface of the packages, those inside the container and the small diecut bees at the base of the box easily informs the consumer that the packaged product has some association with bees. The consumer can easily interpret this to mean that the product inside the container is honey; this is because honey is the most common product that is produced by
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Eroding Privacy Rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Eroding Privacy Rights - Essay Example  A watershed moment in world history, the morning of September 11th, 2001 will forever be ingrained in the American national psyche. From a political, social and economic perspective, the hijackings of 9/11 were unparalleled in scope and sheer devastation. In a fascinating article entitled "Measuring the Effects of the September 11 Attack on New York City†, it was estimated that the direct cost of the attack stood at between $33 billion and $36 billion to the city of New York (Bram, Orr & Rappaport 55). In addition to the direct economic costs associated with terrorism and the threat of further terrorism, 9/11 also had important political ramifications.  The USA Patriot Act of 2001 (a contrived acronym meaning Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism) was established in the aftermath of September 11th to protect Americans from the threat of future terror on American soil.  Controversial from the outse t, the Patriot Act represented a serious departure from established legal norms and prior American jurisprudence with respect to privacy legislation (ACLU 2008).  Created under the pretense of securing the United States against the threat of terror in the wake of 9/11, the Patriot Act of 2001 significantly strengthened the scope of powers afforded to law enforcement agencies while redefining the term terrorism to include domestic terror, i.e. homegrown terror perpetrated by American citizens.
Monday, September 9, 2019
HRM practice in USA and Russia Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
HRM practice in USA and Russia - Coursework Example Culture plays a significant role in terms of designing human resource management practice. HRM practice in Russia is highly distinct from that of USA. Socio-political nature and cultural context are different in these countries. This study shall be divided into two segments. In first part human resource management practices in Russia and USA will be analyzed and the second part shall deal with influencing factors affecting human resource management practice. Human resource management practice in United States is unique since the country focuses on acquiring talented individuals on board. The recruitment system which is implemented by the country is neither position based nor career based. Direct application procedure is utilized while recruiting for public sector. External applicants can easily apply for different organizational positions. In context of recruitment, no diversity policies are encouraged but more preference is given specifically to military veterans. Incentives or bonuses are formulated by agencies whereas pay-scale is structured by the government. Employment cost index is responsible for calculating base salary and there is no negotiation encouraged at collective or individual level. Salary level is adjusted on basis of seniority positions. Promotions at all possible staff level is on basis of qualifications. Performance appraisal scheme or experience is not considered to be vital factors when it comes to promotion (Paau we, 2004). Job postings are available to all employees and HR department or assessment centres are solely responsible for selection of applicants. Hierarchical grades are not taken into consideration while giving promotions. Coaching sessions are also hosted for promotion of disabled, women or other minority section. Internal mobility level is stable within United States. Training programs are organized for all team members
Sunday, September 8, 2019
How did the concepts, theories, lessons, discussions and exercises Term Paper
How did the concepts, theories, lessons, discussions and exercises impact and enhance your understanding of Planning, Organizin, - Term Paper Example Thus, concepts on planning illumined one’s mind in terms of goal setting activites, including the need to develop SMART goals. As emphasized, the ability to design strategies that would direct the organization towards achieving a defined goal should first consider how goal setting was effectively established. The three steps involved in the planning process, explicitly stated as: â€Å"(1) deciding which goals the organization will pursue, (2) deciding what strategies to adopt to attain those goals, and (3) deciding how to allocate organizational resources to pursue the strategies that attain those goals†(Jones and George 9), have provided one with the guidelines to ensure that planning is appropriately implemented. Thus, the crucial function of a manager in terms of planning different activities and endeavors that subordinates must undertake would depend on the competencies, skills, and capabilities of the leader. It necessitates a comprehensive understanding of the r esources of the organization (including the competencies of human resources), as well as the ability to address external forces that impinge on the organizations’ operations. ... s made aware that organizational structure, which is supposedly the outcomeof this function, is â€Å"a formal system of task and reporting relationships that coordinates and motivates members so they work together to achieve organizational goals. Organizational structure determines how an organization’s resources can be best used to create goods and services†(Jones and George 12). Thus, it was noted that managers should be able to effectively discern the perfect match of utlizing the organization’s resources, and how much costs need to be entailed to maximize profits. The third relevant task of a manager – leading, was described as the ability to â€Å"motivate, coordinate, and energize individuals and groups to work together to achieve organizational goals†(Jones and George 8). More detailed theories of leading were discussed in the whole portion of part five: leading individuals and groups; and which were separately discussed in three chapters: Chapter 13: Motivation and Peformance; Chapter 14: Leadership; and Chapter 15: Effective Groups and Teams (Jones and George). There have been diverse leadership theories that tackle leadership traits, skills, and characteristics which make them effective leaders; leadership styles; motivational theories; and other contemporary leadership concepts – transformational leadership and even servant leadership, among others. One strongly believes that this function of management is crucial as it does not only focus on the leader to gauge the effectiveness in achieving defined organizational goals. It was, therefore, learned that there is a need to incorporate a comprehensive understanding of the subordinates’ personalities and competencies; as well as the situation at hand. The fourth task, controlling, was defined as
Participation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Participation - Essay Example What happens when a patient is in a vegetative state-- a state of coma as called in medical terminology? What is the significance of such life in its true sense? How many years the patient is likely to survive in such vegetative state? And many such issues can be discussed threadbare without bringing any personal opinion. It will be appropriate to quote some of the renowned authors, social reformists or medical experts to substantiate the arguments proposed. Only relevant quotes should be incorporated to highlight and strengthen the arguments. In-text citation is a must for the veracity of the arguments made in the essay. It should always be kept in mind that essay revolves around the thesis statement and the essay does not deviate from the main topic. (How to Write†¦) No easy is complete unless it takes into account diverse and opposite views. A full paragraph should be devoted in highlighting the diverse views on the subject. For example, in the topic of Euthanasia, misuse is a biggest apprehension in the minds of people. What are the remedial measures that can be devised to counter this threat? What legal formalities should be in place? What kind of people or committee should have been in charge to grant the euthanasia? Concluding paragraph summarizes main arguments already presented and reinforces the thesis statement from the arguments made. One can also discuss why paper topic is significant. Based on the above general outlines, any essay can be formulated logically in a concise and effective
Saturday, September 7, 2019
How Hardy and Steinbeck treat the theme of outsiders in The Withered Arm and Of Mice and Men Essay Example for Free
How Hardy and Steinbeck treat the theme of outsiders in The Withered Arm and Of Mice and Men Essay Hardy and Steinbeck both use the theme of outsiders strongly in their stories. The term outsider means one who is not a member of a profession, party or circle or one not acquainted with or interested in something that is going on. A person can be an outsider for many different reasons for example loneliness, disability, gender, race, age, size and action. Steinbecks short story Of Mice and Men was set on a ranch in California during the American Depression in the late 1930s. The story is about two men Lennie and George. Lennie is mentally disabled so George looks after him. When Lennie and George first meet the bosss son Curley he immediately feels threatened by Lennies size. Lennie and George go and work on the ranch because they want to save up their money so they can buy a ranch of their own. As the story progresses 2 other characters, Candy and Crooks, become interested in their idea and ask if they can help out. Lennie is given a puppy by Slim (another worker on the ranch). One time Lennie is petting it and does not know his own strength and kills it. Curleys wife comes in and asks what is wrong he tells her what happened and that it only happened because he likes stroking things. She lets him stroke her hair because she thinks it is soft. Lennie gets carried away and wont let go. Curleys wife struggles so much that he breaks her neck. Lennie becomes so frightened that he runs away and just leaves the body. Curley sees his wife and says he is going to give Lennie a horrible death. George hears Curley and decides to kill Lennie himself quickly and painlessly. George finds Lennie and starts to talk about their dream ranch, he raises the gun and shoots Lennie in the back when he is not looking. Hardys novella The Withered Arm was set in England in the 1800s. It is about a woman named Rhoda who has a son with the owner of the dairy farm at which she works. But now the farmer does not want to know her and is married to a younger prettier woman. Rhoda wanted to know what the new wife looked like so she sent her son to go and see. The son came back and told Rhoda what she was like. Rhoda had a dream, she dreamt that Farmer Lodges new wife was sitting on her and she thrust her left arm with her wedding ring on into Rhodas face. Rhoda grabbed her arm and threw her to the floor. The next day the farmers new wife visited Rhoda and revealed to Rhoda some marks on her left arm. A few weeks later Gertrude (Farmer Lodges wife) came back to see Rhoda and showed her that the marks on her arm were getting worse. Months later Gertrude goes to see a conjuror who makes an egg mixture which shows Rhodas face and says that to cure her arm Gertrude must touch the neck of a man who has been hung before he goes cold. Rhoda and her son leave and were never seen leaving. Gertrude found out when the next hanging was taking place and she then travelled to the jail. After the hanging she was shown where the body was. As she touched the body somebody behind her screamed. Gertrude turned around and saw Rhoda and Farmer Lodge standing there. The dead boy was Rhodas son. A few days later Gertrude passed away with shock. There are four main outsiders in Of Mice and Men and also in The Withered Arm. The outsiders in Of Mice and Men are Crooks, Candy, Lennie and Curleys wife and in The Withered Arm they are Rhoda, Gertrude, Farmer Lodge and Rhodas son. Crooks is an outsider in Of Mice and Men because he is black and everybody else on the ranch is white so he is branded as different. A moment in the story where Crooks loneliness is shown is when Lennie comes into his room: You go on get outa my room. I aint wanted in the bunkhouse and you aint wanted in my room This shows that Crooks is not allowed to go in their rooms invading their private space so he does not want them coming in his room doing that, if he is not allowed to do it. An outsider in The Withered Arm Rhoda. She is and outsider because she has a son with Farmer Lodge and does not talk to any of the other workers at the dairy farm, so they think she is stuck-up: as the milkmaid spoke she turned her face so that she could glance past her cows tail to the other side of the barton, where a thin fading woman of thirty milked somewhat apart from the rest. This is a part in the story where Rhoda is at work at the dairy farm and all the other workers are talking about Farmer Lodges new wife. Rhoda does not join in the conversation for obvious reasons, but as they talk the workers look over at her. Candy is another outsider in Of Mice and Men. He is an outsider because he is older than any of the other workers. A part in the story where Candys loneliness is visible is when his dog is taken from him and shot by some of the other workers because they are sick of the smell of it: Candy did not answer. The silence fell on the room againCandy lay still staring at the ceiling Candy did not want his dog to be killed because it was his friend, but when it is killed he feels lonely as if he has got no one left. Farmer Lodge is also an outsider in The Withered Arm. He is an outsider because he is older than any of the other workers and he is rich, which everybody else is not. When he marries his new wife Gertrude they see him as being lonely because he has married a younger woman. Curleys wife is an outsider because in Of Mice and Men she has just married Curley and moved to the ranch, which his dad owns. All the other workers think she must be lonely because she is always seen wandering around the ranch, she is never seen with Curley. Similarly Gertrude is an outsider in The Withered Arm because she has just married Farmer Lodge and moved to his home. When she comes home with Farmer Lodge everybody is talking about her Who is she? and What does she look like? so this must make her fell as though people are talking at her behind her back. In Of Mice and Men Lennie is an outsider because he has a mental disability and is looked after by George. He is also does not know his own strength and hurts Curley, this incident makes him feel more vulnerable to the other workers: Lennie smiled with his bruised mouth. I didnt want no trouble, he said. He walked toward the door In the same way Rhodas son is an outsider in The Withered Arm because he is dominated by his mother and at the end when he is hung, he is wrongly accused of something because of injustice: a young fellow deserved to be let off, this on does; only just turned eighteen, and only present by chance when the rick was fired This is the part in the story when Gertrude goes to see if there is any hangings happening the next day and is told about one, which is Rhodas son. The man who is telling her says he is innocent. Dreams are featured a lot in both stories. Lennie, George and Candy have a dream in Of Mice and Men to own their own ranch: Well have a big vegetable patch and a rabbit-hutch and chickens. Lennie and George at first are going to buy the ranch by themselves but then Lennie accidentally tells Candy, so George lets him help them. Curleys wife also has a dream to become an actress and be respected. In The Withered Arm Rhoda has a dream about Gertrude sitting on her with the wedding ring on: the young wife, in the pale silk dress and white bonnetthe figure thrust forward its left hand mockingly, so as to make the wedding ring it wore glitter in Rhodas eyesswung out her right hand seized the confronting spectre by its obtrusive left arm, and whirled it backward to the floor However in this story the dream comes true because Gertrude visits Rhoda and shows her the marks on her arm. In Of Mice and Men the style is mainly conversational, we learn about events through dialogue. Through language we can tell that the boss is aloof to the workers. The language is like a childs when Lennie is moving; he is described like an animal. This story is known as a novella. It deals with poor and working class people. In The Withered Arm the style is also conversational, we learn about Rhoda at the beginning through conversation. It is third person narrative and in the past tense. This story is known as a short story. Through language we can also tell that the boss is aloof to the workers. This story also deals with poor and working class people. The settings are very similar, as they are both set on a farm in remote areas of the countries in which they are set. The Withered Arm is set on a dairy farm in England but Of Mice and Men is set on a ranch in California.
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