Monday, September 23, 2019

Immunization and Antibody Production Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Immunization and Antibody Production - Assignment Example In encountering the antigen, the body can only do so through natural situations or artificial. In the natural situation, we consider attack by antigen of specific ailment such as small pox. The antigen will cause clinical symptoms and the body will react by producing antibodies against the small pox. In the artificial antibody production, not the virulent form of the antigen are used but those that are killed or attenuated and have no ability to caused clinical symptoms unless one is immune compromised (Goldsby 2005). Antibody Formation There is no difference whether antibodies are naturally produced or artificially produced, there will only be difference in the antigen part, this is because that antigen of the natural simulation are real and do cause clinical symptoms. Those of artificial stimulation are not able to cause clinical symptoms since they do nit have the virulent parts but structurally resembles the real antigen. Given the fact that antibodies are simply modified globuli n, their formation is closely relate to that which involves globulin formation (Goldsby 2005). The first step involves the antigen being held at the site where antibodies are being produced and synthesis of the antibody will be initiated around the site where antigen molecule is found.... In the contrary, if the forces between the ends of the chain and that to the antigen are weak, it will necessitate the release of one end of the antibody from the antigen since it will dissociate (Lydyard and Whelan 2011). The dissociation of one end of the chain from the antigen will make the centre of the chain to coil forming a more stable configuration that will results in to a complete antibody. The eventual process is the dissociation of the antibody from the antigen and floats away as a free antibody. Once the antibody has been formed, it is memorized into the body and in case of second attack with the same antigen; there will be numerous production of the antibody that always leads to faster clearance of the antigen hence faster recovery from the antigenic attack. 2. Evaluate the effects of mass immunization programmers Immunization is the introduction of attenuated or killed antigens into the body of healthy persons such that the body can be triggered to produce in response, antibodies that will combat live antigens of the same nature in future. Vaccines are very specific and when one is immunized a gains a certain disease; they only become protected against that disease and not any other. Immunization can be active or passive depending on the nature of the antigen that are used to make the body respond through antibody production (Plotkin 2006). Immunization is therefore scheduled when there s an outbreak of a disease in the offing. Mass immunization is therefore an immunization program that is intended for a large number of people within one or several places in relatively short time. Mass immunization is therefore able to provide control for contagious diseases that are envisaged

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