Friday, October 18, 2019

Impact of Agricultural Revolution on Relationship between Men and Essay

Impact of Agricultural Revolution on Relationship between Men and Women, Civilization - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that the dawn of Ice Age provided abundant natural resources to the human being and allowed them to settle at one place rather than wandering between places for food and other natural resources. People started to build permanent settlements and started to live in gatherings by cultivating certain grasses such as oats, wheat and barley which catered to the needs larger groups of people. As people started to live in settlements and communities, agricultural continued on large scales which lead to critical changes in the society. According to Shard, man and women, both, used to roam different places in search of food while agricultural revolution made man to work harder to dominate nature’s processes. During this period, people tried to deliberately alter the ecological system by cultivating the soil, selecting seeds, and breeding animals that could help them survive. The change in the lifestyle of the people who has undertaken agricult ure instead of hunting was enormous and profound as they live with us even today. The revolution had several impacts on various factors including the lifestyle of men and women, their relationship and future civilization. As world was witnessing the end of ice age, most of the people settled at one place so that they could exploit the natural resources for their own good. This led to creation of permanent settlements and population growth as mentioned by Duiker and Spielvogel that the change to systematic agriculture in the Neolithic age affected the relationship and lifestyle of both men and women.

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