Thursday, November 21, 2019

Marketing Plan for Oak Creek Soccer Tournament Term Paper

Marketing Plan for Oak Creek Soccer Tournament - Term Paper Example The revenues generated from the tournament will be used for the promotion of this sport across the region to build better and competitive soccer teams. The entire marketing plans focuses on two primary objectives, first is how to give the maximum coverage to the entire event and secondly how to get the maximum possible responses from those inputs while providing exemplary social advocacy and entertainment to the people. Market Place Analysis for Oak Creek Soccer Tournament Young Soccer Club, which is working in collaboration with McLean Youth Soccer and Oak Creek Soccer Club was able to acquire plenty of information about the current situation of availability of the Soccer sport in Oak Creek Southeastern Milwaukee County. In the previous almost every sports event that has taken place in the Oak Creek was able to attract a large number of spectators leading towards success. These types of events have proven to the beneficial for the growth of many sponsor companies in the region and h ave led to the increase of interest of the sports among the people. This clearly shows that the people have the love of sports and need more opportunities to explore other arenas of sports and entertainment. The current sports related community is in the county is already well aware of this sport but due to lack of grass root professionalism and related events of this sport that provide quality and effective management can lead to success. In addition, the unavailability of many wide scale opportunities for Soccer sports but the availability of material resources like the Soccer ground and related equipment makes it a viable opportunity to explore. There are seven college levels teams for Soccer with most of those players have played the game only thrice in the last 6 months at the college level. Four local clubs manage six community teams that play the sport every fortnightly. Most of these community teams are active for over 5 years showing the commitment to the sport. There are t wo college level Soccer teams at the moment and two at the community level that are specifically limited to women, showing the involvement of the women in the sport. Most of the clubs are self-managed with little or no patron-ship from any concern. There have been held two club level Soccer tournaments in the past 5 years due to lack of resources and efficient management but every tournament had massive success and acceptance in Oak Creek Southeastern Milwaukee County. SWOT Analysis for Oak Creek Soccer Tournament The SWOT analysis is based on neutral market research done by the Young Soccer Club and other related Soccer associations including the Oak Creek Soccer Club and Wisconsin Youth Soccer. Strengths A potential growth opportunity for the sponsors A potential growth opportunity for the Soccer related sports businesses Growth of sport and social awareness in the Oak Creek Support from the local community, educational institutes and local clubs Willingness of the local clubs to become potential partners in the association and play a vital role in the success of the event The promise of the Milwaukee government to provide Soccer sport facilities to the educational institutes in the near future Available and maintained soccer ground Weaknesses Weak base of the soccer sport in the community Insufficient support from businesses and local politicians Insufficient promotion of

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