Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Comparing of service operation and manufacturing operations in the Essay

Comparing of function operation and manufacturing operations in the market - Essay ExampleAs a result of seek it was suggested that do or production operations are essential in any business as it bridges the customers and the manufacturers through provision of technical establish for advancing business models. The operations are crucial to organizations due to guarantee of service delivery which is usually IT based. Despite the numerous serve offered through service operations department, there are vast challenges experienced on how to monitor both simple and complex diverse business aspects that calls for deriving perfect resolving power in bless to compete equally with other departments within organization. To grab an understanding of manufacturing operation it is adept to check the meaning of manufacturing operation so as to create a perception of the subject hence creating a baseline for comparison of its advantages to that of service operation. A manufacturer is an entity , enterprise or person that manufactures many product hence manufacture operations can be described as a factory of company where merchandize and products are made from raw materials. Manufacturing exercise commences after obtaining raw materials which are then used to develop and process a finished product ready to be distributed or sold to the local anesthetic citizens. However, manufacturing process is very sensitive as it designs and produce products that as supposed to convince the customers so that they would derive pleasure in the finished products. In order to obtain quality products (Drury, 2007, p. 74), it is the mandate of the manufacturers to work towards quality and taste to convince the consumers of the products availed in the market while service operations are aimed at providing perishable, intangible asset goods and services to the market for the public to buy (Camp, 2004, p. 24). Manufacturers in most cases do not sell directly to the consumers instead they trad e with whole sellers and retailers hence, it is adept to consider manufacturers as the key players in production and manufacturing sector (Hamilton, 2003, p. 17). In most cases service operations are aimed at easing the work of consumers and customers who would be attempt to obtain the services from then sources. However, since not every customer would be able to raise the minimum amount required to acquire products directly from the manufactures, the service operations providers would act as links between the product manufacturers and the consumers hence, it is the work of the manufacturers to derive products that would persuade the consumers (Swammidass, 2000, p. 52). The service operations organizations are challenged to design better processes of delivering services so that customers would recommend further the functions of service operations for instance, in the manufacturing operation, products have to undergo extensive checks to affirm that the availed products are in accord ance with the requirements. For instance, the product part should compose of the

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