Friday, June 14, 2019

Female Homeless Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Female Homeless - Speech or Presentation ExampleI have observed these skips in the assimilation of the people who live near Acadiana Outreach Center and this could has been one of the drives to ca-ca this center within this place. I know that it is the wish of everyone here to live a ennoble life with good places to settle and feel secure in the places in which we live. The places we live after we have divorced, have been bereaved or any course of action of unfortunate issue that befall us and leave us without a man we can depend on for a shelter and other basal need. Although these issues seem to have little impact on the lives of the people who are directly affected, there are effects that are extended to all the dependants of the women who insufficiency the privilege of a place to stay, a place they can call home. This is because some of the homeless women are not without other roles but carry responsibilities of mothers and the providers for jr. children and also are requi red to offer security to these dependants. These life demands push some women into the streets or poor shelters where they seek cheap means of sustaining their lives as salutary as those of the children that depend on them. This is because most of the homeless women have no source of income and thusly, live on limited resources most of which come from begging and insouciant wages that they get from small businesses and daily labor. Today, we exit focus on the ways through which homeless women can get some places to live and establish a sustainable way of living, which would be less dependent begging. This will mean that women will have their own plans to acquire dignified places of residence where they will not be vulnerable to the risky conditions of poor environment, which does not guarantee their security. We will also focus on the provision of the homes that is done by the political sympathies and how women can benefit from it with a focus of the requirement that a woman nee d to have so that be guaranteed it. This will not be a form of one side discussion but it will require all people to participate through asking questions and seeking clarification of an issue at any point in the course of this presentation. We that in mind, we can embark on the discussion on the various issues that have exposed women in the society to the risky homelessness and the contribution of the Acadiana Outreach Center in alleviating the condition. As many of you are aware, there are things that we face as women in the society since the ethnical restrictions do not allow the women to own property. Because of this, many single mothers, divorced, unmarried, separated or widowed women who have little income have to undergo serious deal to sustain themselves in good places in the world. Many of those who have little income do not have enough resources with which they can secure basic of necessity that they have for their lives. This situation has faced those women who have low e ducation attainments because they do not secure opportunities in good paying labor market and therefore have to undergo a lot of struggle to get their needs (Burt, Pearson & Montgomery, 2007). In this discussion, I will use some materials that are contained in a small booklet that each of you will receive so that they can revisit the discussion later. These booklets will be available for everyone by the time we refinement

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