Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Employee Training Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Employee Training - Term Paper Example Some of the main force that influence a company’s training and developments are: ‘economic cycle, globalization, additional emphasis on intangible assets and human capital, focus on link to business strategy, changing demographics and delivery of work force, talent management, customer service and quality management, new technology, high-performance work systems’ (Noe, 2010, p. 10). Influence of Technology on Employee Training: As it has been just seen, that one of the forces that can influence training and development of employees in an organization is new technology. The discussion, here, is about the influence of technology on employee training and development. A look around us will show how people are getting trained on/off-jobs by computers, i-pods, i-pads; and through internet. Therefore the impact of technology is mainly on delivery of training programs. Methods of training employees also have gone through many changes due to the advancement of technology. But use of technology also follow the same basic principles of learning as the traditional methods do . for example, technologies like multimedia, interactive software etc. ‘appeal to multiple senses and allow employees to pace themselves, receive feedback and reinforcement, and find information from experts on as need basis’ (Noe, 2010, p. 337). ... Training could be delivered anywhere: at office or at home, a distant location or at hometown. Technology has given freedom to the employees of choosing when or where they receive training. They can access their training materials on need basis. A simulation of work environment at the learning environment can make employees better equipped for their job. Keeping training records, documentations and other formalities involved in employee training and development could be taken care of by computers. This will cut a lot of paperwork and official activities. Employee’s progress in the training could be better monitored (Noe, 2010, p. 297). Influence of Technology on Learning Environment: The traditional classroom learning environment is linear and not as dynamic as the technology learning process. In the traditional learning process the instructors gives information to the learners; and practice and use of the information is done after the instruction process is finished. This lea rning environment includes only the trainers and the trainees, not the experts or the resources. The learners are passive and the instructors are active members. There is a one way communication from the trainer to trainees. The learners have to wait for the instruction to end to access the resource materials and the experts that is beyond their course material. The communication among the learners happens only outside the training environment. But in a technology based learning environment the training process is dynamic and multidirectional. Here, the learner plays an active role; and the instructor plays minor role. In this learning environment the resource matter and experts are also included. Internet has made a technology based learning environment possible. Internet

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