Sunday, July 28, 2019

Purpose statment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Purpose statment - Essay Example At the hospital I worked in several departments; I was able to access a lot of information relating to the field of endodontic surgery. At one point during my three weeks at the hospital, I worked as a receptionist. It provided me with an opportunity to interact with patients and dentists. In addition, it provided me with vast knowledge about endodontic dentistry. Moreover, I was the one in charge of arranging appointments, making calls and receiving calls a situation that brought me in close contact with endodontic dentist and patients who suffered from endodontic conditions on a daily basis. Furthermore, being at this dental hospital enhanced my skill in the field of dentistry. In addition during this time I was able to know the challenges associated with field, how the surgery where painful and the problems patients faced when it came to medical schemes covers. In my early days as a child, I have found pleasure in assisting others and caring for them always. In addition, I stayed with my elderly grandparents who could not work, and I used to assist them. Moreover, spending time with my grandparents has enabled me see the happiness you can bring to someone life, and this, as been my passion for creating a difference in ones life through endodontic dentistry. Therefore, this as been the driving force in taking endodontic dentistry as my profession of choice. Coupled with my childhood desire to become a dentist and the experience I had at the hospital, makes endodontic dentistry my best choice. Endodontic dentistry process involves quite a number of procedure and conditions that one must meet, and I think meet the conditions. Apart from the educational qualifications I have good communication skills, I can use effectively in calming patients when they are in distress. While working at the hospital, I went through mentoring training that enables one read people body language hence I could have a quick understanding of

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