Sunday, January 12, 2020

Celebrating the Piano

This finest wood made this stringed low keyed, quiet musical instrument in 1157 Continuously sings quiet flowing harmonies Monotone pianississimo, pianoissimo, piano and mezzo piano lullaby’s Keep sounding from the piano’s vibrations. Flutes, saxophones and original pianos were used to create this harmonic based musical piece. The piano provided the ongoing harmonic sounds throughout the song. The overall tone was very simple, smooth and unaccented. The saxophone played lines four and five to highlight the action of the piano. The altos and tenors sang lines four and five adding more emphases on the pianos purpose. The sopranos sang the entire song. The flutes played the first three lines, to provide the introduction. Classical Musical Era; Play that funky music and make me dance with piano forte musical notes The strings are becoming more versatile through musical eras Play harmonic soft flowing lullaby’s for me The strings are taking us from the baroque to classical eras Still producing monotones, the musical sounds are altering my moods The harpsichord is taking us from one musical era into another Now adding more confusion and options to musicians The string dominated instrument is changing and creating musical history Dual musical instrument resulted from economic changes The string dominated musical instrument is requiring multitasking The 1750-1825 musical era developed The string dominated musical instrument is progressing through musical eras The harpsichord, now allowing the vibrations from the piano sounds to be heard by plucking strings, emphasized all even numbered lines. During the classical musical era, the bass played throughout the song, also providing the harmonic structure. An additional regular piano provided ongoing melody. To emphasize the variety and contrast, the violin interchanged with wind instruments, flutes, saxophones and xylophones. This musical piece used sopranos, since it was an opera. Romantic Era; Playing softly flowing harmonic sailing music In childrens darkened quiet room late at night Playing energetic, jazzy, upbeat, high and low notes While running through the water on a brightly lit sunny beach in mid daylight Quiet romantic monotone music piano music with lights down low Loud blaring music in nightclubs Comes from the piano progressing into a clavichord Playing dual notes or sounds simultaneously Various brass, or wind, instruments; trumpets, horns, trombone and tuba’s were used to bring out the obvious contrasts, and highlight the extreme tempos in this musical selection. Several different pianos were used, the classical piano, the clavichord and harpsichord in this piano concerto. The softer musical versions or the melodies were played on the lyrics accenting softness, lightness. The louder piano’s, horns and trumpets accented the â€Å"louder† lyrics, which played slower, bass notes. No singers were used for this musical selection. The focus was primarily on musical instrumentation. Modern Music; Play me a pop, rap, jazz, classical tune A ballad and a tempo Fom jazzy ragtime To Classical Chariots of Fire Play me a tune with lots of percussion Play me a tune with whole notes, quarter notes, half notes eighth and sixteenth notes Play it in 4/4   2/4 3/4 and 6/8 time Play the classic take five in 5/4 time This amazing piece of wood From the piano, harpsichord, clavichord to the organ Never fails to entertain in these modern times This was a full modern concert including various sheet music with mixture of   time signatures and strings, percussions wind, electronic instruments. Tap dancers were used contributing their won percussion. Singers, sopranos, altos, tenors and bass singing voices were used, each given specific roles to show the versatility of the different versions of the piano.   Ã‚  Tambourines, drums and clavichord were used to provide percussion on every line.   Belters were used everytime the purpose of the piano contrasted. There are no specific standards for modern music. It is whatever the musician wants to play. Originating in Paris, modern music can be primitivism, impressionism and expressionism, a combination of all historical musical era’s.

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